Abiodun Koya

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Abiodun Koya (born 22 December 1980) is a Nigerian-born classical and operatic singer based in the United States. Born to a musical family in Ijebu-Ode, in Nigeria's Ogun State, the last of five children, Koya's father introduced classical music to his youngest daughter at the age of three. Within a few years, Koya began playing the violin and singing. Koya left Nigeria in 2001 for the United States, where she studied Business Management at the University of the District of Columbia. She went on to pursue a graduate degree in music at Catholic University, in Washington D.C.


  • Easy to say no one is willing to help... those who gave you a helping hand in the past, how have you treated them thus far ???
  • Bear in mind, gratitude even when no one is looking ALWAYS determines your altitude!
  • Be prepared to personally invest in your dreams, no matter how gifted you are. Allow your intuition to lead and guide you. Trust it ALWAYS.
  • Be decisive and have a good sense of diplomacy with people.
  • Watch out for people who want to be close to you, and discreetly find out why. Quite often there’s an agenda.
  • Be prepared to personally invest in your dreams, no matter how gifted you are.
  • You will be hurt a lot, but use music to heal your internal wounds.
  • To promote physical and mental wellness. Healthy bodies and healthy minds result in healthy societies.
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