Achieng Abura

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Achieng Abura, referred to as Lydia Achieng Abura, (died 20 October 2016) was a Kenyan singer who performed Afro-jazz, Afro-fusion, and gospel music.


  • "For me I wanted to use my music to have a positive change into the society, and positive change is not only spiritual change. Positive change for me has been a peace activist, an environmental activist, women empowerment and girl empowerment".
    • Sapat Diary Oct 21, 2016 [1]
  • "You are limitless, you are in control of so many things, they are superficial. You are an entertainer, the minute you are off that stage don't expect, do not carry that euphoria to the rest of your life"
    • GBS Kenya Oct 1, 2012[2]

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