Anjali Sharma

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Anjali Sharma (born 2004) is an Australian climate activist, who at the age of 16, was the lead litigant in a class action in the Australian Federal Court, against the Federal government, and in particular, the then Minister for the Environment, Sussan Ley, for failing to consider the impacts of climate change. Sharma was also a finalist in the 2021 Children's Climate Prize, an International prize for climate activism, based in Sweden.


  • “I never felt like it was an option [to not be interested], to be honest,”
  • “Some people say that your parents shape your political views, but it’s been much of the opposite [for me].”
  • “My first and biggest role model is my Mum,”
  • “These are real experiences and this is a very real issue that affects people on a very personal level. Not being afraid to show that vulnerability has been really, really instrumental in getting the coverage that we did.”
  • “I used to deal with so much climate anxiety and fear, thinking, ‘Wow, we are one day closer to that deadline’.”
  • “Growing up in Australia I consider myself really fortunate,” she says. “I got an education that helped me make sense of what was happening.”
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