Architecture Life Dialogue

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Architecture Life Dialogue

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Architecture Life Dialogue is an adventurous, philosophical, and fun film that explores serious topics such as sustainability and the sharing economy. The story is told by Inessa Kraft, who plays a future Architect.


  • "I traveled a lot as a kid. Almost every year we changed cities. Space and time, location and my age were just certain coordinates of what I was doing. We almost never went back to the same place twice. And, somehow, I created this idea that one day I'd be able to come back not only to any location, but also to any age I wish. That's what I started doing, visiting my old places and leaving messages to my younger self. Or meeting the best alternatives of future me, when I visit a place for the first time, feeling that there is something special for me there."[1][2]


  • "Living on Earth is not a competition, it's teamwork."[3][4]



