Bernard Goldberg

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Bernard Goldberg in 2011

Bernard Goldberg (born May 31, 1945) is an American writer, journalist, and political commentator.


  • This is the essence of the problem. To Dan Rather and to a lot of other powerful members of the chattering class, that which is right of center is conservative. That which is left of center is middle of the road. No wonder they can't recognize their own bias.
    • Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News (2001)
  • The big 3 networks don't like the fact that there's a Rush Limbaugh out there, they don't like the fact that there's a Fox News, they don't like the fact that there's a Matt Drudge. They liked it when it was nice, when it was just the three of them. Well, it ain't that way anymore.
    • Mandaville, Michael. Citizen-Soldier Handbook: 101 Ways Every American Can Fight Terrorism. pg. 227
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