Bimbo Oloyede

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Bimbo Oloyede is a veteran Nigerian TV journalist and producer. As a newscaster, she was a mainstay on NTA Network News from 1976 to 1980.


  • It takes time to develop a name, to develop reputation and to develop acceptance.
  • Step up to the podium, embrace the light, keep your eyes steady and choose to challenge.
  • When information is sent to you, it only exists if you respond or forward it to others. The more it is circulated, the more dangerous it becomes.
  • Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity. It eliminates class biases and attracts and maintains favourable attention.
  • Trying to be like anyone else is a recipe for failure because it is not possible. Even identical twins are different. So, keep improving your knowledge and keep practising your craft so that you can be your authentic self.
  • You have to be on top of your game all the time. You have to be current, you have to consistently read and keep on practicing your pronunciation because it’s very easy to slip within an environment.
  • You need to keep your mind active to know what’s happening all around you.
  • We do not have to speak like the Queen, but let us aim for educated English language where the consonants and vowels sounds are well pronounced.
  • You need to keep learning, read new materials all the time and learn different things, especially when you are in a situation where you are interacting with people who also want to learn from you.
  • There is a process that you have to go through as a broadcaster or broadcast journalist. You have to understand that you’re a messenger and the purveyor of a message and the message is more important than the messenger.
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