Charlotte Ivers

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Charlotte Ivers (born 1 March 1995) is a British journalist. She is a political correspondent for Times Radio and a columnist for The Sunday Times.


  • I grew up a somewhere. Now I am an anywhere. Sometimes that disconnect gives me a rootless feeling: an odd vertigo I can't quite nail down.
    There is, of course, another phrase for it: liberal metropolitan elite. Nobody who has heard the vicious punishments an Ivers government would hand out to people who drive motorbikes without silencers would describe me as liberal. And I suspect actual elites have functioning kettles.
  • It is hard to be a conspiracy theorist as a political journalist. Spend enough time staring into the heart of the institutions that run this country, and talking to the people who run those institutions, and the idea that any of them would be capable of pulling off an elaborate masterplan of the type espoused by the crankier parts of the internet becomes laughable.
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