Control (2007 film)

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Control is Anton Corbijn's 2007 black-and-white biopic about the late Ian Curtis (1956-1980), lead singer of post-punk band Joy Division. The screenplay written by Matt Greenhalgh is based on the book Touching from a Distance, by Curtis's wife, Deborah, who is also a co-producer of the film.

Ian Curtis

  • Existence, well, what does it matter? I exist in the best terms I can. The past is now part of my future. The present is well out of hand.
  • I wish I were a Warhol silkscreen, hanging on the wall.
  • It says here... usually prescribed for schizophrenia. Side effects include drowsiness, apathy, agitation, and blurred vision :(pause)... I'm taking two.
  • When you're looking at life in a strange new room... maybe drowning soon. Is this the start of it all?

DJ Rob Gretton

  • I already manage a couple of bands, but between you and me, they couldn't sniff the sweat around your bollocks. You lot are something else. I hold my hands up! I am a believer in Joy Division! Fucking hallelujah!


Ian: (touches a butterfly shape on the glass window) My heart leaps when I behold, a rainbow in the sky. So it was my life began, so is it now, I am a man. So it be when I shall grow old, or let me die. The child is the father of the man. And I could wish my days to be bound by natural piety. (sits down on the bed)
Nick: ... Did you write that?

Ian: (hands over a box of cigarettes to Debbie who refuses the offer) You can't be in my gang if you don't smoke.
Debbie: (I) don't wanna be in your gang.
Ian: Neither do I.

Ian: Mrs. Brady please can I use your toilet please?
Mrs. Brady: Of course you can, love. Second on the left down the hall.
Ian: Thank you.
Mrs. Brady: ... Where was I? Oh yes.
(Ian goes to the bathroom and raids the medicine cabinet.)

Debbie: It's a shame Nick couldn't come.
Ian: He did say I could go out with you. He said it was alright, as long as I looked after you.
Debbie: Did he now?
Ian: Well I didn't want you thinking we were going behind his back or anything.
Debbie: That's a bit presumptuous don't you think?
Ian: Why?
Debbie: I might not (have) wanted to go out with you.
(Ian looks at her, and they share a kiss.)

Peter Hook: You know I don't mind the Buzz, but calling themselves cocks... (I) don't get it.
Ian: Well they're not calling themselves the Cocks are they? They're calling themselves the Buzzcocks.
Peter: (mumbles)... Just couldn't stand for it, that's all.

Ian: You're a twat you are. You're a bastard.
Tony Wilson: I? Why is that?
Ian: Because you haven't put us on television.

Rob Gretton: I know how you can be better just like that (snaps his finger).
Ian: Go on then.
Rob: Simple. You employ me. You play, I manage. We all get stinking rich and famous and go buy great big fucking houses in Cheshire.


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