Downton Abbey

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Downton Abbey (2010–2015) is a British television period drama series, created by Julian Fellowes and co-produced by Carnival Films and Masterpiece. The series, set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey, depicts the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the post-Edwardian era — with the great events in history having an effect on their lives and on the British social hierarchy.

Such events depicted throughout the series include news of the sinking of the RMS Titanic in the first series; the outbreak of World War I, the Spanish influenza pandemic, and the Marconi scandal in the second series; and the Interwar period and the formation of the Irish Free State in the third series.

For quotes from the 2019 film of the same name, click here.
For quotes from the 2022 film, click here.

Series One (1912, 1913, 1914)


Episode 1

Lady Edith Crawley: I thought it was supposed to be unsinkable.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it; so every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I'm very sorry about poor Patrick, of course. He was a nice boy.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: We were all so fond of him...
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: But I never cared for James. He was too like his mother, and a nastier woman never drew breath.

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Are we to be friends, then?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: We are allies, my dear, which can be a good deal more effective.

Daisy: Seems like a lot of food, when you think they're all in mourning.
Mrs. Patmore: Nothing makes you hungrier or more tired than grief. When my sister died, God rest her soul, I ate my way through four plates of sandwiches at one sitting and slept round the clock.
Daisy: Did it make you feel better?
Mrs. Patmore: Not much, but it passed the time.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Don't you care about Downton?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: What do you think? I've given my life to Downton. I was born here, and I hope to die here. I claim no career beyond the nurture of this house and the estate. It is my third parent, and my fourth child. Do I care about it? Yes, I do care!

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: You seem very informed on this family's private affairs. But you ought perhaps to know that I do not intend to fight the entail. Not any part of it.
Duke of Crowborough: You can't be serious.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: It pains me to say it, but I am.
Duke of Crowborough: You'll give up your entire estate--your wife's money into the bargain--to a perfect stranger? You won't even put up a fight?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I hope he proves to be perfect, but I rather doubt it.
Duke of Crowborough: A very odd thing to joke about.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: No odder than this conversation.

Episode 2

Matthew Crawley: Mother, Lord Grantham has made the unwelcome discovery that his heir is a middle class lawyer, and the son of a middle class doctor.
Isobel Crawley: Upper middle class!

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: It's a cottage hospital, of course, but quite well equipped.
Isobel Crawley: Who pays for it?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Oh, good, let's talk about money.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: My father gave the building and an endowment to run it. In a way, he set up his own memorial.
Isobel Crawley: But how splendid!
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: And Mr. Lloyd George's new insurance measures will help.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Please don't speak that man's name; we are about to eat.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: You do know I mean to involve you in the running of the estate?
Matthew Crawley: Oh, don't worry, there are plenty of hours in the day. And of course I'll have the weekend.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: We'll discuss this later, we mustn't bore the ladies.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: What is a weekend?

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: [About Matthew Crawley, Lord Grantham's new heir] I thought you didn't like him?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: So what? I have plenty of friends I don't like.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: You do not love the place yet.
Matthew Crawley: Well, obviously, it's...
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: No, you don't love it. You see a million bricks that may crumble, a thousand gutters and pipes that may block and leak, and stone that will crack in the frost.
Matthew Crawley: But you don't?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I see my life's work.

Episode 3

Mrs. Patmore: Daisy! What's happened to you? I said you could go for a drink of water, not a trip up the Nile!

Mr. Bates: I saw this advertisement for a limp corrector. What does it do exactly?
Salesman: It corrects limps.
Mr. Bates: Does it work?
Salesman: Well, as I make it and I advertise it, is it likely I'd say no?

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Where's he staying?
Lady Mary Crawley: He says he's found a pub that caters for hunting.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: We can improve on that, he must come here! He can send the horses up early if he wants.
Lady Mary Crawley: He'll know why you're asking him.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: I can't think what you mean. His mother's a friend of mine; she'd be pleased at the idea.
Lady Mary Crawley: Not very pleased. She's dead.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: All the more reason then.

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: It's not of my doing. It's all Mary's own work. But I think we should encourage it.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Branscombe's a dull dog, but I don't suppose that matters.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Did you know his wife had died?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: He only ever talks about racing.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Is the family an old one?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Older than yours, I imagine.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Old enough.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: And there's plenty of money.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Really?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Mama, you've already looked him up in the stud books and inquired about the fortune, don't pretend otherwise. Are you afraid someone will think you're American if you speak openly?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I doubt it'll come to that.

Mr. Bates: You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely. I know.

Mrs. Hughes: Mr. Bates, what's the matter?
Mr. Bates: Nothing, not a thing. I'm fine.
Mrs. Hughes: Let me help you.
Mr. Bates: I'm perfectly alright. Thank you, Mrs. Hughes.
Mrs. Hughes: Are you sure? You're as white as a sheet.
Mr. Bates: It's my wonderful complexion, inherited from my Irish mother.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Oh, my dears! Is it really true? I can't believe it. Last night he looked so well! Of course, it would happen to a foreigner. It's typical.
Lady Mary Crawley: Don't be ridiculous!
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I'm not being ridiculous. No Englishman would dream of dying in someone else's house, especially someone they didn't even know.
Lady Sibyl Crawley: Oh, Granny, even the English aren't in control of everything.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Well I hope we're in control of something, if only ourselves.

Episode 4

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: You are my darling daughter, and I love you, hard as it is for an Englishman to say the words...If I had made my own fortune and bought Downton for myself, it should be yours without question. But I did not. My fortune is the work of others, who labored to build a great dynasty. Do I have the right to destroy their work, or impoverish that dynasty? I am a custodian, my dear, not an owner. I must strive to be worthy of the task I have been set.

Dr. Clarkson: Mrs. Crawley tells me she's recommended nitrate of silver and tincture of steel.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Why, is she making a suit of armour?

Episode 5

Daisy: I was only trying to help.
Mrs. Patmore: Oh, Judas was only trying to help I suppose, when he brought the Roman soldiers to the Garden!

Lady Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: You are quite wonderful, the way you see room for improvement wherever you look. I never knew such reforming zeal.
Isobel Crawley: I take that as a compliment.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I must have said it wrong.

Lady Mary Crawley: How many times am I to be ordered to marry the man sitting next to me at dinner?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: As many times as it takes.

Anna: I love you, Mr Bates. I know it’s not ladylike to say it, but I’m not a lady, and I don’t pretend to be.
Mr. Bates: You are a lady to me. And I never knew a finer one.

Mr. Carson: Gwen, may I ask why you are sitting on Lady Sybil's bed?
Gwen: Well, you see, I had a turn, like a burst of sickness, just sudden-like. I had to sit down.
Anna: It's true.
Mr. Carson: Well, you'd better go and lie down. I'll tell Mrs. Hughes.
Gwen: No, I don't need to interrupt her morning. I'm sure I'll be fine if I could just put my feet up.
Mr. Carson: How many bedrooms have you still got to do?
Anna: Just one. Lady Edith's.
Mr. Carson: And you can manage on your own.
Anna: Well, she's no use to man or beast in that state. Go on. Shoo.
Mr. Carson: Daisy, may I ask why you are holding Lady Sybil's biscuit jar?
Daisy: Em...I was just...Polishing it...Before I put it back.
Mr. Carson: See that you do.

Episode 6

Branson: Politicians often can't recognize the changes that are inevitable.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: What, are you canvassing, too?
Lady Mary Crawley: I was only going to say that Sybil is entitled to her opinions.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: No, she isn't until she is married--then her husband will tell her what her opinions are.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: But it's Sybil's first season.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Robert, believe me. Sybil is not your problem now. We got to support Mary this year. It's time Mary was settled. High time.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Poor old Edith; we never seem to talk about her.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: I'm afraid Edith will be the one to care for us in our old age.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: What a ghastly prospect.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: How dare you! How dare you obey in this way!
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Robert can we do this in the morning? Sybil needs rest.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Are you so knowledgeable about the great world that my instructions are to be set as nothing!
Lady Sybil Crawley: Papa, I'm sorry I disobeyed you! But I'm interested! I'm political! I have opinions!
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Of course I blame Branson!
Lady Mary Crawley: I don't think that's fair.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: We had none it! None of it until he set foot in our house! I suppose I should thank God he hasn't burned the place down over our heads!
Lady Sybil Crawley: Branson didn't know anything about it until we arrived there!
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: He leaves tonight!
Lady Sybil Crawley: If you punish Branson, I'll never speak to you again- Never!
Lady Mary Crawley: I really don't think this is Branson's fault, truly, Papa.
Lady Sybil Crawley: Blame me.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I do blame you!

Episode 7

Lady Rosamond Painswick: There's nothing like an English summer, is there?
Lady Mary Crawley: Except an English winter.

[The newly installed telephone is ringing]
Mrs. Patmore: Oh my Lord, listen to that! It's like the cry of the banshee! [Branson walks in]
Branson: That's Mr. Carson's telephone ringing. [the phone rings again] Is someone going to answer it?
Mrs. Patmore: I wouldn't touch that thing with a ten foot pole!
Branson: Well, I will then.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Well, Rosamund, I'm afraid your meddling has cost Mary the only decent offer she'll ever get.
Lady Rosamund Painswick: I'm sorry, Mama, but you know me. I have to say what I think.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Why? Nobody else does.

Mr. Carson: I know you have spirit, my lady, and that's what counts. It's all that counts in the end.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Silence! May I ask for silence?! It is my great regret to say...that we are at war with Germany!

Series Two (1916, 1917, 1918, 1919)


Episode 1

Isobel Crawley: The thing is, I've had a letter from Matthew. Of course, he doesn't tell me what he's actually doing.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: No, he wouldn't. But I'm glad he's alright. I miss him.
Isobel Crawley: Well that's the point. You must know he's been down here a few times since the war started.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: We had heard.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Downton is hardly a metropolis.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Is he still determined to go back to Manchester when it's all over?
Isobel Crawley: He doesn't talk much about life after the war. None of them do. I suppose they don't want to tempt fate. Until now, that is. He writes that he is engaged to be married to a Miss Lavinia Swire.
[Cora, Robert and Violet are silent]
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Well I--I suppose we all knew it would happen someday.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: The trouble is, Mary's back from London today as well. She gets in at five o'clock.
Isobel Crawley: Matthew's driving down in Lavinia's car. They won't meet on the train.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Oh, that's a relief. [Everyone looks confused] I hate Greek drama, you know where everything happens off stage.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: [about Lavinia] So that's Mary's replacement. Well, I suppose looks aren't everything.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: I think she seems rather sweet. I'm afraid meeting us all together must be very intimidating.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I do hope so.

Mr. Bates: I think it means, at long last, I'm able to get a divorce.
Anna: Mr. Bates, is this a proposal?
Mr. Bates: If that's what you want to call it. And you might start calling me John.
Anna: Will we have to leave Downton?
Mr. Bates: Not until we want to. I've spoken to his lordship, and he will find a cottage for us near the house.
Anna: You told him you want to marry me?
Mr. Bates: I did.
Anna: Before you spoke to me?
Mr. Bates: You don't mind, do you?
Anna: Of course I mind! In fact, I'd give you a smack if I didn't want to kiss you so much I could burst!

Lady Mary Crawley: What's it been like?
Matthew Crawley: You know the thing is, [pause] I just can't talk about it.

Branson: Please don't make fun of me. It's cost me all I've got to say these things.

Lady Edith Crawley: You were praying.
Lady Mary Crawley: Don't be ridiculous.

Corporal Barrow: Thank you. Thank you for my deliverance.

Episode 2

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I wanted you to know I sent a note down to Clarkson, which should do the trick.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: What did you say?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Only that I gathered you'd asked a favour, and given that the estate shoulders the hospital costs, it did seem a little unfair if we weren't allowed a few perks.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Quite right. Thank you, darling.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I gather your footman Thomas has returned to the village.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Crikey. Where did you see him?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: At the hospital. Seems he's working there.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I wonder how he wangled that.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Well now, still in one piece. Thank God.
Matthew Crawley: Touch wood.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I never stop touching it.

[The staff are getting ready to serve dinner.]
Anna: Start with old Lady Grantham, then his lordship, then just go on round. You must have done this before.
Mr. Lang: Not since the war started.
Daisy: I don't think I ever knew that. Why isn't it just ladies first? Wouldn't it be more polite?
Anna: That's the way it's done on the continent. We don't like foreign ways here.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: You'll find there's never a dull moment in this house.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Well, Clarkson's seen him. It's definitely not a heart attack, but he does need rest.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: He's working much too hard. For a start he's just got to let the maids serve in the dining room.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Quite right. There is a war. Even Carson has to make sacrifices.

Mr. Carson: I was particularly sorry to spoil things for Sir Richard, knowing he was a guest of yours.
Lady Mary Crawley: Don't be. I think he found it all quite exciting.
Mr. Carson: Will we be seeing a lot of him?
Lady Mary Crawley: I don't know. Maybe.
Mr. Carson: And Captain Crawley, is he happy with the changes, so to speak? [Lady Mary looks away] May I give you one piece of advice, my lady? Tell him what's in your heart. If you still love him, let him know. Then even if he's killed, and he may be, you won't be sorry. If you don't tell him you could regret it all your life long.
Lady Mary Crawley: And what about Miss Swire?
Mr. Carson: Miss Swire. As if any man in his right mind could prefer Miss Swire to you.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham What was it like at the hospital today?
Matthew Crawley: At the front, the men pray to be spared, of course. But if that's not to be, they pray for a bullet that kills them cleanly. For too many of them today, that prayer had not been answered.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: It's a brave new world we're headed for, no doubt about that. We must try to meet it with as much grace as we can muster.

Episode 3

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I'm going up to London to stay with Rosamund for a day or two. I think we'll have Lavinia for tea.
Lady Mary Crawley: You sound as if you're going to gobble her up.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: If only we could.

Branson: I'm not going to fight.
Lady Sybil Crawley: You'll have to.
Branson: I will not. I'm going to be a conscientious objector.
Lady Sybil Crawley: They'll put you in prison.
Branson: I'd rather prison than the Dardanelles.
Lady Sybil Crawley: When will you tell them?
Branson: In my own good time.
Lady Sybil Crawley: I don't understand.
Branson: I'll go to the medical. I'll report for duty. And when on parade, I'll march out front and I'll shout it, loud and clear. And if that doesn't make the newspapers, then I'm a monkey's uncle.

Anna: Might I have a glass of cider?

Episode 4

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: What about Sybil? Does she have anyone in her sights?
Lady Mary Crawley: Not that I know of.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Are you sure she has no chap in mind? How odd! I had an endless series of crushes at her age.
Lady Mary Crawley: I don't think so.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Not even some man she doesn't care to mention?
Lady Mary Crawley: What do you mean?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Well, war breaks down barriers and when peacetime re-erects them, it's very easy to find oneself on the wrong side.
Lady Mary Crawley: Really, Granny! How can you say that I'm too worldly but Sybil's not worldly enough? You cannot be so contrary.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I'm a woman, Mary. I can be as contrary as I choose.

[In France]
William Mason: But what are we patrolling for?
Matthew Crawley: You've been taking those logic pills again. This is the army, Mason. We're going on a patrol because we're going on a patrol.

Lady Sybil Crawley: Why are you smiling? I thought you'd be angry.
Branson: Because that's the first time you've ever spoken about "us."

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Cora tells me Matthew's gone missing. Is that true?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: There's no proof of anything yet.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I see. Well, I need more than that to make me anxious.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I'm glad you would be anxious.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Of course I would be. We're used to Matthew now. God knows who the next heir will be. Probably a chimney sweep from Solihull!

Episode 5

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: [on the phone] Yes, yes. The minister. Well how many Marquesses of Flintshire are there? [to Edith] Is this an instrument of communication or torture? [on the phone again] Hello?! Shrimpie?! Yes, it's Aunt Violet. Yes, very well. And Susan? Oh, good. I won't beat around the bush, dear. Whom might we know on the board of Leeds General Infirmary?

Mrs. Patmore: [telling Daisy what to say to William at his deathbed] Just say nice, warm, comforting things. Make him feel loved. You don't have to be Shakespeare.

Daisy: I'll stay with him. I'll not leave him now, not while he needs me.
Mr. Mason: He doesn't need you no more Daisy. He doesn't need none of us no more.

Episode 6

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: The war may be at an end, but the upheaval is only beginning.
Isobel Crawley: Oh how right you are. That is why Downton Abbey still has such an important role to play.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Dear me, there's so much to be done. When you think of all the children laid up with disease.
Isobel Crawley: But they're making such advances now, aren't they? Now, could we talk about the lecture program for Dow--
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Oh, if we must, we must. If only I wasn't haunted by those women whose jobs will be snatched from them when the boys come home.
Isobel Crawley: But we have to find work for our heroes, don't we? That must be our priority. However hard that might sound.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Mm. As you say. And what about those wretched refugees? What will become of them?
Isobel Crawley: Ah. Now you've struck a chord.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Have I really? Oh, thank heaven.

Episode 7

Lady Sybil Crawley: Doesn't it feel odd to have the rooms back?
Lady Edith Crawley: And only us to sit in them. I suppose we'll get used to it.
Lady Sybil Crawley: I don't want to get used to it.
Lady Edith Crawley: What do you mean?
Lady Sybil Crawley: I know what it is to work now. To have a full day, to be tired in a good way. I don't want to start dress fittings or paying calls or standing behind the guns.
Lady Edith Crawley: But how does one escape all that?
Lady Sybil Crawley: I think I've found a way to escape.
Lady Edith Crawley: Nothing too drastic, I hope.
Lady Sybil Crawley: It is drastic. There's no going back once I've done it, but that's what I want. No going back.
Lady Edith Crawley: I don't want to go back, either.
Lady Sybil Crawley: Then don't. You're far nicer than you were before the war, you know.

Mr. Carson: I wrestled with it, m'lord, I don't mind admitting. And I wanted to be there to help Lady Mary, and--
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: And protect her from Sir Richard.
Mr. Carson: Well, I wouldn't quite put it like that, but yes, I suppose. Only--
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Only you felt you couldn't work for a man who would offer a bribe?
Mr. Carson: That is correct, m'lord.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Are you quite sure you won't regret it? I know how fond you are of Lady Mary.
Mr. Carson: But I couldn't work for a man that I don't respect. And I certainly couldn't have left Downton for him.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I shall take that as a compliment. For myself and for my house.

Branson: You're very late. Won't they worry?
Lady Sybil Crawley: They're all so excited, they won't care where I am.
Branson: I'm pleased. I like Mr. Matthew.
Lady Sybil Crawley: He announced at dinner that he wants to get married at Downton. Somehow, it made me feel more than ever that the war is really over, and it's time to move forward.
Branson: Do you mean you've made your decision?
Lady Sybil Crawley: Yes. My answer is, that I'm ready to travel. And you're my ticket. To get away from this house, away from this life--
Branson: Me?
Lady Sybil Crawley: No, Uncle Tom Cobley. [both laugh]
Branson: I'm sorry. But I've waited so long for those words, I can't believe I'm hearing them. You won't mind burning your bridges?
Lady Sybil Crawley: Mind? Fetch me the matches! [Branson leans forward but stops] Yes, you can kiss me, but that is all until everything is settled.
Branson: For now, God knows it's enough that I can kiss you. [they kiss]

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: No doubt you will regard this as rather unorthodox, my pushing into a man's bedroom, uninvited.
Matthew Crawley: Well, um...
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: It's just I don't want us to be disturbed. [she sits down] I'm sure you know how pleased I am that you will recover after all.
Matthew Crawley: Thank you.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Just as I am delighted that you can once more look forward to a happy married life.
Matthew Crawley: I'm very lucky.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Now, this may come as a surprise but I feel I must say it all the same.
Matthew Crawley: Please do.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Mary is still in love with you.
Matthew Crawley: What?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I was watching her the other night when you spoke of your wedding. She looked like Juliet on awakening in the tomb.
Matthew Crawley: Mary and I have always had...
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Of course, I suspected long ago that the flame hadn't quite gone out. But then there was no chance of your recovery, and it seemed best to let her try for happiness where she could.
Matthew Crawley: I quite agree, and Sir Richard is...
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: No, now let's not muddy the pool by discussing Sir Richard. The point is you loved her once. Are you sure you can't love her again?
Matthew Crawley: Cousin Violet, please don't think I mind your speaking to me in this way. I quite admire it. But consider this: Lavinia came back, against my orders, determined to look after me for the rest of my life, which meant that she would wash me and feed me and do things that only the most dedicated nurse would undertake, and all with no hope of children or any improvement.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Yes, yes, it's all very admirable. And I give her full credit.
Matthew Crawley: And giving her that credit, do you think it would be right for me to throw her over because I can walk? To dismiss her because I no longer have need of her services?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Spoken like a man of honor, and we will not fall out over this.
Matthew Crawley: But you don't agree.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I would just say one thing. Marriage is a long business. There's no getting out of it for our kind of people. Now, you may live 40, 50 years with one of these two women. Just make sure you have selected the right one.

Mrs. Patmore: Daisy?! What in God's name are you doing down here at this hour?
Daisy: I just wanted to check it were all right. That it hadn't, you know, caved in or anything.
Mrs. Patmore: Caved in? It's a cake, not a souflé.
Daisy: I know, but I've never made a wedding cake before.
Mrs. Patmore: Is that the one for tasting?
Daisy: Yes, Mrs. Patmore. [getting a piece off the shelf]
Mrs. Patmore: Well, bring it out, we'll give it a try. [after she and Daisy try a bite and both spit it out] What in God's name do you call this?
Daisy: I don't know. I did everything that you said. I promise.
Mrs. Patmore: Didn't you taste the mixture? [Daisy shakes her head] Well, then I'm afraid it's time to look at Thomas's ingredients. [walks over to counter and tries something and spits it out] Well, that's two thirds plaster dust. Where's the peel? [Daisy hands it to her] This were old when Adam were a boy. So, Thomas was happy to "let it go", was he? Well, it won't go anywhere near me in future. Chuck the whole bally lot out and we'll have to think again.

Episode 8

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: What do you mean "you knew"?!
Lady Mary Crawley: I hoped it would blow over! I didn't want to break up the family when Sybil might still wake up!
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: And all this time you been driving me about, bowing and scrapping, and seducing my daughter behind my back?!
Tom Branson: I don't bow and scrape! And I've not seduced anyone! Give your daughter some credit for knowing her own mind!
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: How dare you speak like that to me! You will leave at once!
Lady Sybil Crawley: Oh, Papa.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: This is a folly! A ridiculous, juvenile madness!
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Sybil, what do you have in mind?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Mama, this is hardly--
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: No. She must have something in mind. Otherwise she would not have summoned him here tonight.

Lady Sybil Crawley: Matthew! Mary!
Lady Mary Crawley: Is it Mama?!
Lady Sybil Crawly: That's what's so--it's Lavinia!

Christmas at Downton Abbey

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I look at her and all I can see is a tired woman with a tiresome husband, not a bride on the brink of heaven. I wish I could understand why she goes on with it. Do you think there's some element I might have overlooked?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Yes.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Cora, if there is something and you know what it is, tell me, please.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Perhaps it's time.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I was hoping you would say I was wrong.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: You're not wrong. But if I do tell you, try not to fly off the handle. And try not to be too hurt.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Now you must tell me because nothing could be worse than my imaginings.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Very well. Do you recall a Turkish diplomat who stayed here before the war?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I think I can be relied on to remember any guest who was found dead in his bed the next morning.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Well, that's the thing.

Matthew Crawley: I wanted to find out what you meant when you said you "had" to marry Carlisle, and that I would despise you if I knew the reason.
Lady Mary Crawley: Yes, you would.
Matthew Crawley: Whatever it is, it cannot be enough for you to marry him.
Lady Mary Crawley: That's what Papa said.
Matthew Crawley: So you told him?
Lady Mary Crawley: Yes.
Matthew Crawley: Does he despise you?
Lady Mary Crawley: He's...very disappointed in me.
Matthew Crawley: Even so, please tell me.

Matthew Crawley: You were wrong about one thing.
Lady Mary Crawley: Only one? And what is that, pray?
Matthew Crawley: I never would--I never could despise you.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I was only going to say that if I do need a new valet, I think I'd like to give Thomas a trial....There's more true goodness in him than I give him credit for.
Mr. Carson: Is there?!

Sir Richard Carlisle: My God, Mary. What more could I have done?
Lady Mary Crawley: Nothing. But you must see we're not well-suited. We'd never be happy.
Sir Richard Carlisle: You won't be happy by the time I've finished, I promise you that.
Lady Mary Crawley: Of course I'm grateful--
Sir Richard Carlisle: So you should be! I buy your fifthly scandal. I keep it safe from prying eyes. Ad why did the papers leave you alone over Bates? Why has there been nothing linking to the great Earl of Grantham?
Lady Mary Crawley: I suppose you stopped it.
Sir Richard Carlisle: With threats, bribes, calling in favors--yes, I stopped it!
Lady Mary Crawley: Papa will be so thankful.

Matthew Crawley: I heard shouting.
Sir Richard Carlisle: Lavinia knew it, you know. She knew you never loved her.
Matthew Crawley: Don't you dare.
Sir Richard Carlisle: Oh, she did. It was late, she was tired, you two were locked in the corner of the room...she said, "If he could just admit the truth, then all four of us might have a chance."
Matthew Crawley: You liar.
Sir Richard Carlisle: I'm not a liar. No, I am many things but not that. She regretted it, of course, but she said it.
Matthew Crawley: You bastard.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: What on earth's the matter?
Sir Richard Carlisle: I'm leaving in the morning, Lady Grantham. I doubt we'll meet again.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Do you promise?

Matthew Crawley: Sorry about the vase.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Oh, don't be. It was wedding present from a frightful aunt. I have hated it for half a century.

Matthew Crawley: You've lived your life and I've lived mine. And now it's time we lived them together.
Lady Mary Crawley: We've been on the edge of this so many times, Matthew. Please don't take me there again unless you're sure.
Matthew Crawley: I am sure.
Lady Mary Crawley: And your vows to the memory of Lavinia?
Matthew Crawley: I was wrong. I don't think she wants us to be sad. She was someone who never caused a moment's sorrow in her whole life.
Lady Mary Crawley: I agree.
Matthew Crawley: Then will you?
Lady Mary Crawley: You must say it properly. I won't answer unless you kneel down and everything!
Matthew Crawley: Lady Mary Crawley, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?
Lady Mary Crawley: Yes!

Series Three (1920-1921)

Note: Season Three begins on February, 1920 and concludes on September, 1921.

Episode 1

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Are you coming up to welcome the Queen of Sheba?
Isobel Crawley: I suppose so.

Martha Levinson: Come war and peace, Downton still stands and the Crawleys are still in it. Cora.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Mother, how lovely to see you.
Martha Levinson: As long as it is. Robert, aren't you going to kiss me?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: With the greatest enthusiasm.

Martha Levinson: [greeting her granddaughters] Sybil, tell me all about the arrangements for the birth. We do these things so much better in the States. Edith. Still no one special? Well, well, never mind. You must take a tip from the modern American girl. Ah, Mary. Dearest Mary. Now, you tell me all of your wedding plans, and I'll see what I can do to improve them.

[After having an argument with Matthew over Reggie Swire's inheritance]
Lady Mary Crawley: It's not about the money. It's that he won't save Papa when he could.
Anna: But he has to be true to himself.
Lady Mary Crawley: That's the point. He puts himself above the rest of us. Don't you see?
Anna: What I see is a good man, my lady. And they're not like buses. There won't be another one along in ten minutes' time.

Matthew Crawley: My darling, I refuse to quarrel about something that hasn't happened and probably never will.
Lady Mary Crawley: That's what Anna says.
Matthew Crawley: Then she's right. My darling, I'm sure we will fight about money and about Downton, about how to rear our children, about any number of things.
Lady Mary Crawley: Then shouldn't we accept it? Matthew, I've been thinking...and I'm not angry now, truly I'm not. But if we can disagree over something as fundamental as this, then shouldn't we be brave and back away now?
Matthew Crawley: No.
Lady Mary Crawley: It's not because you're afraid of calling it off? Because I'm not.
Matthew Crawley: No. It's because of something Tom said: That I would never be happy with anyone else as long as you walked the earth, which is true.

Episode 2

[Matthew is driving his new AC Six with Mary riding shotgun en route to Downton.]
Lady Mary Crawley: Who will groan first when they see it, Granny or Papa?
Matthew Crawley: [chuckles] I should think they'll howl at the moon in unison!
[Robert and Cora rush out to greet them.]
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: What in God's name is this? Well I never! [marvels at the AC]
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Where did this come from?
Matthew Crawley: I ordered it in London, picked it up on the way back. It's an AC.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Well, at least it's English.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: How was the honeymoon?
Matthew Crawley: [grins] My eyes have been opened.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: [smiles] Don't I know it.

[The Dowager Countess is eyeing Martha Levinson as the latter speaks to Mary.]
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: [grumbles to Robert] Just how long is she here for?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: [sighs] Who knows?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: No guest should be admitted with no departure date settled.

[Mary and the Dowager Countess are discussing Robert's financial difficulties.]
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I cannot understand why so much money was put into one company.
Lady Mary Crawley: I couldn't agree more.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Now we're to be turned out of Downton. Even Lloyd George can't want that.
Lady Mary Crawley: I'm not sure he's a good example.

Lady Mary Crawley: People like us should lead the fight to keep tradition going.
Isobel Crawley: If you mean we can never change, I can't agree.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Nor me. Accepting change is as important as defending the past.
Lady Mary Crawley: The role of houses like Downton is to protect tradition. That's why they're so important to maintain.

Episode 3

[The servants are preparing for Edith's wedding.]
Lady Edith Crawley: Isn't it exciting?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: At my age one must ration one's excitement. [notices Cora fussing about] I told her everything would come right but she wouldn't believe me.
Lady Edith Crawley: I still can't. Something happening in this house is actually about me.

[The men are having a drink in the dinning room.]
Sir Anthony Strallan: Lady Edith tells me you're very interested in politics.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: [smirks] Tom is our tame revolutionary.
Sir Anthony Strallan: Every family should have one.
Matthew Crawley: As long as you are tame. [glances at Branson knowingly]
Tom Branson: Tame enough for a game of billiards.

Sir Anthony Strallan: I wish you'd let me sit in the front.
Isobel Crawley: I prefer it, I've ridden in the front seat many times.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Aren't you a wild thing!
Sir Anthony Strallan: There's never been a safer method of travel.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Nor a faster one.
Sir Anthony Strallan: Edith's the speed fiend, she likes to go at a terrific lick.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Do you think you'll be able to keep up with her?
Sir Anthony Strallan: I'll try.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: [looks at Eryholme] We won't need more than eight servants, tops. So it'll be very economical.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: What about me? Where am I to go?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: We still own most of the village.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Oh. Perhaps I could open a shop?

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I really think you should go to bed. No bride wants to look tired on her wedding. That means she's anxious or been up to no good.
Lady Edith Crawley: I won't sleep a wink.
Lady Sybil Branson: Tonight or tomorrow?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Sybil, vulgarity is no substitute for wit.
Lady Sybil Branson: [smirks at her grandmother] You started it. [she and Edith giggle]

Episode 4

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: What a harsh world you live in.
Tom Branson: We all live in a harsh world, but at least I know I do.

Lady Sybil Branson: They didn't try to stop me, but it doesn't mean they won't come after us. Unless Papa can persuade them otherwise.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Tom, how could you have left her all alone to fend for herself?
Lady Sybil Branson: It wasn't like that. We thought this might happen and we decided what to do. The question is: What now?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: You mustn't travel anymore. Not before the baby's born.
Lady Sybil Branson: But Tom wants it to be born in Dublin.

Lady Sybil Branson: You never told me you went to those meetings.
Tom Branson: I never told you I didn't.
Lady Sybil Branson: And what else haven't you told me?
Tom Branson: All I know is that I can't stay here. Not for long.
Lady Sybil Branson: You must. And so must I. And you must let the baby be born here.
Tom Branson: You're very free with your musts.
Lady Sybil Branson: But I will not be free with our child's chances! We need peace and safety. Downton can offer us both.

Episode 5

Lady Mary Crawley: You can come up. It's a girl.
Tom Branson: And they're both...
Lady Mary Crawley: They're fine.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Thank God and Hallelujah.

[He and Sybil look lovingly at their newborn daughter]
Tom Branson: She's so beautiful. Oh, my darling, I do love you so much.
Lady Sybil Branson: I just want to sleep really.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Of course you do. You've earned it. She's a wonderful baby.
Lady Sybil Branson: Mama.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Yes, my darling?
Lady Sybil Branson: Tom is thinking of taking a job in Liverpool and going back to being a mechanic. But it wouldn't be right for him. He needs to move forward.

Lady Mary Crawley: Sybil! She can't hear me. Sybil! Sybil, it's Mary! Can you hear me!?
Sir Philip Tapsule: It looks as if...
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: It look as if what!?
Dr. Clarkson: This is eclampsia.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: It cannot be. Sir Philip, you were so sure!
Matthew Crawley: This is unbelievable. Somebody do something!
Sir Philip Tapsule: The human life is unpredictable!
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: But you were so sure!

Daisy: Is there anything we should do Mr. Carson?
Mr. Carson: Carry on, Daisy, as we all must.

Mrs. Hughes: Are you all right Mr. Carson?
Mr. Carson: I knew her all her life, you see. I've known her since she was born.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Why...why did she say that?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Because there is some truth in it.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: My dear, when tragedies strike, we try to find someone to blame. And in the absence of a suitable candidate, we usually blame ourselves. You are not to blame; no one is to blame. Our darling Sybil has died, during childbirth, like too many women before her. And all we can do now is cherish her memory and her child.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Nevertheless there is truth in it.

Episode 6

Matthew Crawley: How's the baby doing?
Tom Branson: I envy her. She doesn't know a thing about it.

Lady Edith Crawley: Now that the funeral's over, we ought to think about the christening. Do know what you'd like her to be called?
Tom Branson: I'd like to call her Sybil.
Matthew Crawley: Of course.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: You don't think it might be a little painful?
Tom Branson: Very painful at first, but I think it's right. I want to remember her mother whenever I look at her.
Lady Edith Crawley: Of course you do. And she would want to be remembered. I'll go and see Mr. Travis this afternoon.
Tom Branson: Why Mr. Travis?
Lady Edith Crawley: To fix the date.
Tom Branson: But Sybil will be Catholic.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: What?!
Tom Branson: My daughter is Irish and she'll be Catholic like her father.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Did you hear about Tom's announcement at breakfast? He wants the child to be a left footer.
Lady Mary Crawley: Papa, I know it's hard for you--
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: There hasn't been a Catholic Crawley since the Reformation!
Lady Mary Crawley: She isn't a Crawley, she's a Branson.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: The only chance that child will have of achieving anything in life is because of the blood of her mother!
Lady Mary Crawley: Well, I don't agree. And besides, Sybil--
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: That's another thing! I think it's ghoulish to call her after Sybil!
Lady Mary Crawley: Well, I don't!

Lady Mary Crawley: I wish you'd come back to the drawing room.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I'd only set your mother's teeth on edge.
Lady Mary Crawley: She'll come through it. She will. Which brings me to your performance today. How did that help?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I was angry with Isobel for exposing you all to gossip.
Lady Mary Crawley: You were angry all right, but not with Isobel or Ethel. I think it's because the world isn't going you way. Not anymore.
Lady Mary Crawley: You won't win over the christening.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Not if you're against me.
Lady Mary Crawley: I'm never against you. But you've lost on this one.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Did Sybil truly not mind?
Lady Mary Crawley: She wanted Tom to be happy. She loved him very much, you know. We all need to remember that.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I keep forgetting she's gone. I see things in the paper that would make her laugh. I come inside to tell her that her favorite rose is in bloom, and then suddenly...
Lady Mary Crawley: Say that to Mama. Please.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: She doesn't want to hear it from me.

Episode 7

Tom Branson: I wondered if you'd be a godmother.
Lady Mary Crawley: Am I allowed to be?
Tom Branson: As long as at least one of them is Catholic. And my brother's coming over. He'll stay in the village.
Lady Mary Crawley: No, he won't. He'll stay here.
Tom Branson: He's a bit of a rough diamond.
Lady Mary Crawley: I'm very fond of diamonds.

Mr. Carson: Human nature's a funny business, isn't it?
Mrs. Hughes: Now why didn't the poets come to you, Mr. Carson? They'd have saved themselves a lot of time and trouble.

Episode 8

Ethel: [in surprise] Oh.
Mrs. Bryant: You didn't expect to find me here.
Isobel Crawley: No.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I thought the only person who could tell us with any accuracy the Bryants' response to Ethel's working nearby were the Bryants themselves.
Mrs. Bryant: Lady Grantham wrote to me explaining your wish.
Ethel: Well, it was only that Mrs. Watson had answered the advertisement...
Mrs. Bryant: I know the circumstances. Just as I know that you would like to see how Charlie's getting on. As it happens, I've been uncomfortable about keeping a mother from her son. And though I wouldn't want to confuse him until he's much older, if then--
Ethel: You wouldn't have to confuse him! I've got it all worked out! I'm his old nanny who was employed by you when he was born.
Isobel Crawley: But what about when he talks of you to Mr. Bryant?
Mrs. Bryant: You will please leave Mr. Bryant to me. Now Ethel, you must write to Mrs. Watson today and get it settled.
Ethel: And I'll be able to see Charlie.
Isobel Crawley: It won't be easy.
Ethel: It'll be easier than not seeing him. Very much easier.

Lady Edith Crawley: I'm sorry if this is inconvenient.
Michael Gregson: It's unexpected, not inconvenient.
Lady Edith Crawley: I suppose I'd better just say it.
Michael Gregson: Please do.
Lady Edith Crawley: I had the impression On my last visit, that you were flirting, giving signs that you found me attractive. If I'm wrong, then I apologize.
Michael Gregson: You're not wrong.
Lady Edith Crawley: But since then I have discovered that you are, in fact, married.
Michael Gregson: Yes.
Lady Edith Crawley: I'm afraid I find the idea of a married man flirting with me wholly repugnant. So you see, I must hand in my resignation at once.
Michael Gregson: No. It's true, I am married, but I hope you'll allow me to explain.
Lady Edith Crawley: Explain what? I am familiar with the institution of marriage.
Michael Gregson: Yes, but not with this one. My wife is in an asylum and she has been for some years. Lizzie was a wonderful person, and I loved her very much. Took me a long time to accept that the woman I knew was gone and wouldn't be coming back.
Lady Edith Crawley: Then why haven't you got a divorce?
Michael Gregson: I can't. A lunatic is not deemed responsible. She's neither the guilty nor the innocent party. It means that I'm tied for the rest of my life to a...a madwoman who doesn't even know me.

Mr. Bates: I thought I was helping him get out of our lives for good. Now he ranks higher than I do. I've been a damn fool.
Anna: By the way, what was that phrase he gave you to say to Miss O'Brien? You can tell me now, surely.
Mr. Bates: If you keep it under your hat. It was, "Her Ladyship's soap."
Anna: What?
Mr. Bates: I can't make any sense of it either, but that's what he said. "Her Ladyship's soap." And it worked.

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: You're very good to play.
Tom Branson: Don't know why I made such a fuss about it. Can I ask you something?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Of course.
Tom Branson: If I were to say I'd live with you while Sybbie's little, that we wouldn't move out until she's older, would you mind?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: I should be delighted. And I know it's what Sybil would want.
Tom Branson: I think you're right.

A Journey to the Highlands

[About Susan and Rose]
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: We knew things we awkward between them. but now that I'm here, I don't think Susan handles it very well.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: But it's so complicated with a young daughter who's so full of new ideas. She thinks you're fighting her when all the time you're just frightened and...I'm sorry.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: We all miss her. Every single day.

Michael Gregson: Of course it's a lot to ask but what else can I do? I'm prevented from divorcing a woman who doesn't even know who I am. Does the law expect me to have no life until I die? Would Lord Grantham?

Lady Mary Crawley: Say hello to your son and heir.
Matthew Crawley: Hello my dearest little chap. I wonder if he knows how much joy he brings with him? My darling, how are you? Truly?
Lady Mary Crawley: Tired and pretty relieved. But just think: We've done our duty. Downton is safe. Papa must be dancing a jig.
Matthew Crawley: I'm dancing a jig. I feel like I've swallowed a box of fireworks.
Lady Mary Crawley: Where are the others?
Matthew Crawley: Back at the house. Panting to see you, to see you both. But I've sent Mother to keep them at bay. I wanted the chance to be alone with my family.
Lady Mary Crawley: You sound rather foreign. Shouldn't you been saying things like "You'll be up and about in no time"?
Matthew Crawley:
Lady Mary Crawley: I'll remind that next time I scratch the car.
Matthew Crawley: Do. I give you full permission.

Lady Mary Crawley: [to Anna] They'll be here in a minute. And tell Mr. Matthew he must wait his turn. He's seen the baby and they haven't.

Series Four (1922-1923)

Note: The fourth season begins in early Spring, April, 1922 and concludes in late Summer, August, 1923.

Episode 1

Nanny West: I'm taking Master George out for some air, milady. I wondered if you like to come with us
Lady Mary Crawley: I don't think so. Poor little orphan.
[Nanny West walks away holding little George, now six months old]
Anna: He's not an orphan. He's got his mother, orphans haven't.
Lady Mary Crawley: He isn't poor either, come to that.

Mr. Bates: How was Lady Mary this morning?
Anna: The same, though I suppose she must come out of it eventually.
Mr. Bates: For Master George's sake if for no other reason.

Lady Edith Crawley: You ought to see more of George.
Isobel Crawley: Poor George. What a burden he is born into. A baby rich as Croesus and a mother almost passed over.
Lady Edith Crawley: That's the law.
Isobel Crawley: It seems so strange. Matthew has always so meticulous.
Lady Edith Crawley: He thought that death was many years away and so it should have been. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me do it.
Isobel Crawley: I'm grateful. But, you see, when your only child dies, then you're not a mother anymore. You're not anything really.
Lady Edith Crawley: You're a grandmother. And I know you're going to be a wonderful one.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Mary, you've gone through you a hideous time, but now you must remember your son. He needs you very much.
Lady Mary Crawley: I know. The thing is I don't think I'm going to be a very good mother.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Why not?
Lady Mary Crawley: Because, somehow, with Matthew's death all the softness he found in me seems to have dried up and drained away. Maybe it was ever there in his imagination.

Nanny West: Your ladyship! I didn't see you there.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Obviously not.
Nanny West: I was just--I was just having a game with Miss Sybbie.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: I want you to pack tonight and leave first thing in the morning.
Nanny West: But your ladyship--
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Please put Master George back into his crib. You are not to touch the children again.
Mrs. Hughes: Oh, I thought it was Nanny West ringing.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: No. Mrs. Hughes, Nanny West is leaving. Can you find her a bed for the night and ask one of the maids to sleep with the children?
Nanny West: But, your ladyship, I was only joking!
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Please, Miss West, I prefer not to discuss it. Except to say that your values have no place in a civilized home. Now Mrs. Hughes, I will wait here while Nanny West packs. You will fetch a maid and prepare a room. You understand me? Miss West is not to be left alone with the children, not for one minute.

Mr. Carson: Does this mean you've decided to return to the land of the living? Because if so, I'm glad.
Lady Mary Crawley: It means that I know that I've spent too long in the land of the dead.

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: It turns out Miss West is quite unsuitable as a nanny. She's leaving today.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: What?! Not another one!

Episode 2

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Well, Mary must read it (Matthew's letter) before you send it anywhere. Or are you trying to hide from the truth?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: What truth?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: That you would prefer to be in sole charge of the estate and not share the crown with Mary
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Don't be silly. This won't make any difference to all that. She won't want to get involved.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: When you talk like that, I'm tempted to ring for Nanny and have you put to bed with no supper.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: [reading] "My darling Mary. We are off to Duneagle in the morning, and I have suddenly realized I have never made a will, or anything like one, which seems pretty feeble for a lawyer. And you being pregnant makes it even more irresponsible--"
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Mmm, I'm afraid I have to agree with that.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: "I'll do it properly when I get back and tear this up before you ever see it. But I'll feel easier that I've recorded on paper that I wish you to be my sole heiress."
Lady Edith Crawley: What?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: "I cannot know if our baby is a boy or a girl, but I do know it will be a baby if anything happens to me before I have drawn up a will. And so you must take charge. And now I shall sign this and get off home for dinner with you. What a lovely, lovely thought. Matthew."

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Now, I asked Branson to come here because I have an idea.
Lady Mary Crawley: Granny, you must call him "Tom".
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I thought I could call him "Branson" again, now that he's the agent?
Lady Mary Crawley: Well you can't!
Tom Branson: I don't mind.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: There I see I'm beaten, but oh, how I sympathize with King Canute.
Lady Mary Crawley: Now what was this idea?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I want, uh--
Tom Branson: Tom.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Tom, to be your instructor
Tom Branson: What?!
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Well, take Mary on your rounds. Let her learn the farmer's difficulties. Explain...the crops. And the--the livestock.

Mr. Bates: You have put up with so much that I couldn't change. So if there is ever the slightest thing that I could make better for you, I will.
Anna: But how did you mange it?
Mr. Bates: Don't I keep telling you? Prison was an education.

Mrs. Patmore: Nothing is as changeable as a young man's heart. Take hope--and warning--from that.

Episode 3

Terrence Sampson: You think you're so holy, don't you? You're just a cheat. Like me.
Michael Gregson: I have won against a card sharp. There is pleasure in that.

Episode 4

Mrs. Hughes: No man should be able to do what he did and get away with it.
Anna: And when Mr. Bates has killed him, will you come with me to the prison when my husband is hanged?
Mrs. Hughes: But the poor man's heart is breaking for not knowing.
Anna: Better a broken heart than a broken neck.

Daisy: One moment of nastiness and I'll be paying for the rest of my days?

Lady Mary Crawley: What's the matter? You've been in a glump all day.
Tom Branson: If I told you, you'd despise me.
Lady Mary Crawley: It may surprise you to hear that I said that to someone once. But I did confess in the end, and it made things a lot better.
Tom Branson: Well I couldn't say it. Not to you.
Lady Mary Crawley: Then find someone you can tell. It'll help more than you know.

Mr. Barrow: What's the matter with you?
Miss Braithwaite: Never mind.
Mr. Barrow: I thought we were all about to be dancing to your tune.
Miss Braithwaite: Do you ever wonder why people dislike you so much? It's because you are sly and oily and smug. And I'm really pleased I got the chance to tell you before I go.
Mr. Barrow: Well, if we're playing the truth game, then you're a manipulative little witch, and if your schemes have come to nothing, I'm delighted.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Is something wrong between you?
Mr. Bates: Yes. But I don't know what it is. She says it's nothing I've done, but how can I believe that? It must be my fault because she is incapable of fault. I don't know what to do.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: There is no such thing as a marriage between two intelligent people that does not sometimes have to negotiate thin ice. I know. You must wait until things become clear....The damage cannot be irreparable when a man and a woman love each other as much as you do. [pause] My goodness, that was strong talk for an Englishman.

Episode 5

Lady Mary Crawley: If Papa believes enough in Drewe to lend him the money and to hide it from us, then that tells me something.
Tom Branson: What exactly?
Lady Mary Crawley: That you and I are in partnership with a very decent man.

Mr. Bates: Nothing is over. And nothing is done with.

Episode 6

[Alfred has been accepted into chef training.]
Alfred: I'm nervous, now it's happened.
Jimmy: [dismissive] What's there to be nervous about?
Mr. Carson: You're nervous because you're intelligent, Alfred. Only stupid people are foolhardy. [Other servants look at him meaningfully, but Jimmy holds his tongue.]

Isobel Crawley: How you hate to be wrong.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I wouldn’t know, I’m not familiar with the sensation.

Mrs. Patmore: I like that Rudolph Valentino. He makes me shiver all over.
Mr. Carson: What a very disturbing thought.

Evelyn Napier: Is this your first experience of jazz, Lady Grantham?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Oh, is that what it is? Do you think any of them know what the others are playing?

Episode 7

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Good-bye Tom. Look after all my womenfolk. Including Isis. [whispers] Especially Isis.

Edith: I'm not even sure which frightens me most: What may have happened to Michael or the baby.
Rosamond: What do you propose to do?
Edith: It's...hard to say the words. But...I've decided to get rid of it.
Rosamond: How terrible that is to hear.
Edith: Please don't pretend you won't be relieved when I do.
Rosamund: I will support you whatever you decide. Just as Cora will and Robert.
Edith: That sounds like a speech from The Second Mrs. Tanquerary but you don't mean a word of it.
Rosamund: I do.
Edith: So I'd be welcome in your drawing room, would I? "Have you met my niece and her charming bastard?"
Rosamund: I refuse to be shocked.

Mrs. Hughes: They said you were in here.
Mr. Green: What can I do for you Mrs. Hughes?
Mrs. Hughes: Nothing!! You can do nothing for me! Because I know who you are and I know what you've done!! And while you're here, if you value your life, I should stop playing the joker and keep to the shadows!

Edith: It's not that I don't love him, you know. I do love him and I would have loved his baby. Bt I just can't see over the top of this.
Rosamund: No.
Edith:I don't want to be an outcast. Not some person people never talk about. Sybil might have brought it off but not me.
Rosamund: I can see that.
Edith: I can't go back to the nursery. Not with Mary's son and Sybil's daughter playing there. I can't do that. I won't be able to do that.

Episode 8

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: No life appears rewarding if you think too much about it.

Lady Rose McClare: What's a group noun for suitors?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: What do you think, a desire?
Lady Rosamund Painswick: A desire of suitors. Very good.
Lady Mary Crawley: If you're going to talk nonsense, I have better things to do.

Isobel Crawley: I'm a feeble substitute for the entire Crawley family.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Mmm. Yes, but you're better than nothing.

Sara Bunting: I thought when the agent was a cousin or son-in-law, he had free shooting for life, but others did the work.
Tom Branson: To quote my wife's grandmother, "You've been reading those socialist newspapers again."
Sara Bunting: Were you still the chauffeur when you married?
Tom Branson: That's a long story.
Sara Bunting: Everything with you is a long story.
Tom Branson: Well, that one had a happy ending. For a time anyway.

Violet Crawley, The Dowager Countess: Switzerland has everything to offer. Except perhaps conversation. And one can learn to live without that.

Jack Ross: Don't you believe in us?
Lady Mary Crawley: I believe in you; I'm not so sure about her. She may love you a bit, but mostly I think she wants to shock her mother, whom incidentally, she hates.
Jack Ross: That's what my mother said....You and my mother have a lot in common.
Lady Mary Crawley: Tell me honestly: Do you think you can survive what they'll do to you? Because I don't believe Rose could.
Jack Ross: I wouldn't give in if we lived in even a slightly better world.
Lady Mary Crawley: It may surprise you, Mr. Ross, but if we lived in a better world, I wouldn't want you to.

Lady Rosamund Painswick: Edith, should you be doing this?
Lady Edith Crawley: Why? What are you afraid of? That I'll lose the baby?

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: You're back. I can't believe it.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: If you knew how many times I'd imagined this scene.

Anna: You mean he fell into the road and he was hit?
Lady Mary Crawley: By a bus or lorry, apparently.
Anna: And someone saw this?
Lady Mary Crawley: The pavement was crowded. Lots of people saw it.
Anna: That's a relief.
Lady Mary Crawley: What do you mean?
Anna: Nothing. I don't mean anything.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: What a relief to be able to drink in public without a policeman pouncing. Down with Prohibition!

The London Season

Ivy: Why does Lady Edith look so tired? She goes away to Geneva for eight months and returns looking more tired than when she left.
Mrs. Hughes: We're all tired, but not as tired as we're going to be.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: When are you going to London?
Lady Edith Crawley: Tomorrow. I must get some new clothes now I'm back to normal shape.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I...I know we never talk about the baby, but I realize it must be on your mind constantly.
Lady Edith Crawley: Can we please say "she" and not "it"?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I wish you hadn't been away so long.
Lady Edith Crawley: They thought it helped the baby to be weened by her real mother.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Yes. Well, I'm sure everything worked out for the best. After all your French must be superb.
Lady Edith Crawley: That's right, Granny. Let's get back to what really matters.

Lady Edith Crawley: But what about his child? Doesn't she have some rights?
Lady Rosamund Painswick: his child is not his child anymore. She belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder, and lives in Geneva with the rest of her family.
Lady Edith Crawley: That's all very well saying that, but it doesn't change anything.
Lady Rosamund Painswick: Only because you won't let it.

King George V: Ah. The Prince of Wales has spoken about your father's hospitality in Bombay.
Lady Rose McClare: [nervous] He was honoured to entertain His Royal Highness, Your Majesty.
King George V: The Indian tour was a great success, thanks to Lord Flintshire.
Lady Rose McClare: The Prince did splendidly, Sir. He was so popular wherever he went.
King George V: [dryly] Yes, the Prince is never short of popularity.

Lady Mary Crawley: So Bates was in London that day.
Mrs. Hughes: You say it as if you already knew? Does Anna suspect anything?
Lady Mary Crawley: Of course not. She;s knows nothing.
Mrs. Hughes: So will you tell her now, Millay?
Lady Mary Crawley: I gather you won't?
Mrs. Hughes: No. I'm handing this over to you.
Lady Mary Crawley: Meaning, leave it alone?
Mrs. Hughes: We can't know what happened on that street. Maybe he was in London for an innocent reason and nowhere near Piccadilly. But this I will say: If he was there to avenge his wife's honor, I won't condemn him for it. I'm sorry but I won't.

Mr. Carson: I'm afraid that boy's interest in her may not be entirely proper.
Mrs. Patmore: Mr. Carson, all women need someone to show a bit of interest every now and then. Preferably in a manner that's not entirely proper.

Mr. Drewe: So if you go tomorrow, how long would you be in Switzerland?
Lady Edith Crawley: About three or four days at the most.
Mr. Drewe: So we not got long to prepare.
Lady Edith Crawley: I'll pay you for the first month this afternoon, but with three children, you must have plenty of the paraphernalia already.
Mr. Drewe: You're right. We won't need much.
Lady Edith Crawley: And you're quite sure your wife is keen to take this on?
Mr. Drewe: Margie dotes on children, milady. In fact, I'm not sure we've had our last. She'll love her like her own.
Lady Edith Crawley: We'll need a decent story: That the parents are dead and the mother was a close friend of yours or something. That's true, of course, it's my friend and not yours.
Mr. Drewe: But you don't want her in the nurseries here?
Lady Edith Crawley: I can't have her here. My parents disapproved of my friendship with her mother. That's why it has to be a complete secret.
Mr. Drewe: I think it should be our secret, milady.
Lady Edith Crawley: [touched] Mr. Drewe would you do that for me?
Mr. Drewe: For you and the little girl, Madame. Yes.

Series Five (1924)

Note: Season Five begins in April, 1924 and ends on December 25, Christmas Day, 1924.

Episode 1

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: She's just rung up and asked herself for tea!
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Do people think we're a public house on the Great North Road?

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Principles are like prayers: noble, of course, but awkward at a party.

Jimmy You think I'm mad, don't you?
Mr. Barrow: Doesn't matter what I think.
Jimmy: Maybe she just wants to talk.
Mr. Barrow: Maybe I'm the missing tsarevitch.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Mary, you take [the children]. Tony, go with her. Tom, come with me! You know where the sand buckets are kept. Good God! Barrow, is she alright?!....We must get her outside. Quickly, Tom! Tom, get the hose! Rose, go up and wake Mrs. Hughes and the maids! She'll do the rest. We must alert the estate firemen....And save the dog!!

Lady Edith Crawley: Have you had any ideas?
Mr. Drewe: Yes and it's a simple one: You're going to take a great interest in little Marigold, milady.

Episode 2

Isobel Crawley: How are you getting on with repairing the fire damage?
Lady Edith Crawley: They're all being marvelous, but I do feel such an idiot.
Lady Mary Crawley: Maybe because you behaved like an idiot.

Lady Mary Crawley: I have to be sure there aren't any...consequences.
Anna: What sort of consequences?
Lady Mary Crawley: know.
Anna: No, I don't. [pause] Oh, my God! Umm, I beg your pardon my lady.
Lady Mary Crawley: Well you see, I can't just go into a shop and buy something. What if I were recognized?
Anna: Well, I wouldn't know what to buy....Won't he take care of it?
Lady Mary Crawley: I don't think one should rely on a man in that department, do you?

Daisy: Why do you have to make everything sound so nasty all the time?
Mr. Barrow: I'm nasty about Miss Baxter because she came here to help and support me and she's broken her word.
Daisy: I doubt that's how she'd put it.

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: I must remember to organize a car to meet Charles Blake and his friend. They'll be here at tea time.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Do people think we're some sort of hotel who never presents a bill?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: You've already made that joke.

Mr. Carson: I don't like it when we're not on the same side.

Charles Blake: I loved Rose's definition of ordinary life--dancing and shopping and seeing one's friends.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Tell your friend Mr. Bricker to stop flirting with Isis! There is nothing more ill-bred than trying to steal someone else's dog!

Daisy: Why is it called a wireless when there are so many wires?
Mrs. Patmore: If I touch it, will I get a shock?
Mr. Carson: You'll only get a shock if you listen to it.

Lady Mary Crawley: How did you manage to get the rooms connected?
Lord Gillingham: Well, I'm not a complete half-wit. Nor, happily, is the manager.

Episode 3

Lady Mary Crawley: Darling Granny, you know how much I value your advice--
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Which means you intend to ignore it.

Episode 4

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Like all Englishmen of his type, he hid his qualities beneath a thick blanket of convention.

Lady Mary Crawley: We don't know each other exactly--
Mabel Lane Fox: But we certainly know of each other.

Mrs. Patmore: As for his so-called cowardice, that were like a wound in battle--a wound to his brain--so he didn't know what he was doing! He were a good and decent lad.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Of course he was.
Mrs. Patmore: Doesn't that make him a casualty of war, m'lord? Same as our William or any of them?

Charles Blake: I was never the type to die of a broken heart. I'm sorry if that offends you.
Lady Mary Crawley: On the contrary. I only hope Tony feels the same.
Charles Blake: Goodness. I wasn't expecting that. [pause] I wish I could work you out.
Lady Mary Crawley: I wish I could work me out.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I would never suggest anything that is not in your interest.
Lady Edith Crawley: In my interest, or the family's?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: To me, they are the same.
Lady Edith Crawley: That is where we differ.

Episode 5

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: What do you mean a man's opened a colony in Essex?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Not that sort of colony, Mama. It's for people who want to take all their clothes off.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: In Essex? Isn't it terribly damp?
Lady Rosamund Painswick: Would that make a difference?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Well yes, if you had no clothes on.

Tom Branson: My vision of this country and where it should be headed is different from yours....I believe in reform, and the moral direction of the left.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I would only say this, Tom: In your time here, you've learned both sides of the argument, befriended people you'd once have seen as enemies.
Tom Branson: That's true.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: You should be proud. Five years ago would you have believed you could be friendly with my mother?
Tom Branson: Not sure I would've believed it five minutes ago.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Don't make nothing of what you've achieved, that's all.

Atticus Aldridge: You must have a very sweet tooth.
Lady Rose McClare: Oh, no they're not for me! I give tea to some Russian refugees every Tuesday and Thursday. They love cake.
Atticus Aldridge: I love cake.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Who was that on the telephone?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Simon Bricker.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Oh God. What does he want?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: I shall answer without commenting on your tone. He wants to have the painting photographed for his book.

Mrs. Hughes: But why did you ask him?
Mrs. Patmore: Because he's a man, I suppose.
Mrs. Hughes: I'm not sure that's a good enough reason.
Mrs. Patmore: Nor am I, now. But I don't want to hurt his feelings.
Mrs. Hughes: I wish men worried about our feelings a quarter as much as we worry about theirs.

Lady Rosamund Painswick: I'm afraid you've read somewhere that rudeness in old age is amusing, which is quite wrong, you know.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: We both know you are not leaving my house until I learn the truth. So shall I have a bed made up for you here, or are you doing to tell me now?

Episode 6

Mr. Drewe: I'm trying to bring her around, but I wish you hadn't jumped the gun.
Lady Edith Crawley: I know. But I had some bad news today and I needed to see her.
Mr. Drewe: You mean you were right about Marigold's father? I'm very sorry to hear it. But if you could just give me some time...
Lady Edith Crawley: I don't have time, Mr. Drewe!

Lady Mary Crawley: Granny, what do you think?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Oh, it is you. I thought it was a man wearing your clothes.
Tom Branson: It suits you.
Papa, do you agree?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: It's certainly just the sort of thing I'd expect of you.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: All this endless thinking. It's very overrated.... I blame the war. Before 1914, nobody thought about anything at all.

Tom Branson: Oh God, Edith! Won't you wait and talk to them about it?
Lady Edith Crawley: If I talked to anyone, it'd be you.
Tom Branson: Then talk to me, please!
Lady Edith Crawley: I can't stay, Tom. Not if I'm ever going to be happy at all.

Mrs. Drewe: It's lunacy! You've lost your mind!
Lady Edith Crawley: Tell her!
Mr. Drewe: It's true. Marigold's her daughter.
Mrs. Drewe: It's a lie! I don't know what she's holding over you, but you can't let her get away with it!
Lady Edith Crawley: I have a copy of her birth certificate. It's in French, but you can read my name clearly enough!
Mr. Drewe: Which was brave of you.
Lady Edith Crawley: My aunt wanted me to use a false one, but I knew I might need proof.
Mrs. Drewe: Give that to me! [tears it up]
Lady Edith Crawley: I have others!
Mrs. Drewe: You've cooked this up between you!
Mr. Drewe: That's enough. We've got nothing formal that gives us any claim over her.
Mrs. Drewe: Only a note from her dying father!
Mr. Drewe: Which I wrote.
Mrs. Drewe: How could you do this? I'm your wife, yet you have lied and cheated and used me shamefully! If you had taken a mistress you couldn't have been more false!
Lady Edith Crawley: Mrs. Drewe, I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm very grateful.
Mrs. Drewe: No, I don't bloody want to hear it!

[at a horse-racing event]
Atticus Aldridge: Let me not fall in front of Rose.
Lady Mary Crawley: I'm glad her opinion matters.
Atticus Aldridge: I'd rather not look like a fool quite yet. She can discover it gently.

Isobel Crawley: I think she's splendid!
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I think she's cracked.

Lady Edith Crawley: [looks at her illegitimate daughter in her arms] Well, we're together, darling. And I know it's not ideal, but it's such an improvement on being apart that I think we should celebrate. I'll order ice cream, and a glass of champagne, and we'll be as jolly as you like!

Episode 7

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I've been awake the whole night. There's only one thing we can say. We have to tell Cora.
Lady Rosamund Painswick: Well, isn't that rather a betrayal?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: If anything happens to Edith and Cora learns later we knew all along, she would never forgive us. And I wouldn't blame her. You see, as a mother it is her right.
Lady Rosamund Painswick: But you don't plan to tell Robert? He is Edith's father.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: He's a man. Men don't have rights.

Lady Mary Crawley: What's the matter, Granny?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I'm just worried about Edith.
Lady Mary Crawley: Oh, I can't think why.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: My dear, a lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears.

Lady Mary Crawley: How are you, Spratt? Well, I hope.
Mr. Spratt: Everyone has their troubles, m'lady.
Lady Mary Crawley: Oh, dear.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Spratt has been helping to train my new maid, Denker.
Mr. Spratt: I'd say she takes after the dachshund, m'lady.
Lady Mary Crawley: In what way?
Mr. Spratt: She's quite untrainable.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: [disapproving] Spratt.

Lady Mary Crawley: You needn't pretend. Your positions have changed. You the widow in the Dower House, Isobel a great lady presiding over a great house. But you simply have to be bigger than that.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Is that what you think of me? That I care about her change of rank?
Lady Mary Crawley: Well, you're not exactly pleased, are you?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: [soft] No. But that is not the reason.
Lady Mary Crawley: Then what is?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Well, if you must know, I've got used to having a companion. A friend. You know, someone to talk things over with.
Lady Mary Crawley: Well, you'll still have us.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: You have your own lives and so you should. But Isobel and I had a lot in common [wistful] and I shall miss that.

Episode 8

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Edith is obsessed with that child.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: She's a dear little thing.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: So she is. But as a matter of fact, there is something about her.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: About Marigold? What?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I don't know. A sense of déjà vu. Can't quite put my finger on it.

Lady Rose McClare: Daddy, Mummy, this is Atticus.
Atticus Aldridge: How do you do?
Susan MacClare, Lady Flintshire: What a peculiar name. [walks away]

Susan MacClare, Lady Flintshire: Tell me, do you find it difficult these days to get staff?
Rachel Aldridge, Lady Sinderby: Not very. But then, we're Jewish, so we pay well.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I've realized today what it is about Marigold that keeps catching my eye.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Oh, yes? What's that?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: She reminds me of Michael Gregson. Just tell me if I'm wrong.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: You're not wrong. Don't tell Edith you've guessed.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Why not? It certainly makes things a little clearer than they were.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Just don't, not yet. Mary doesn't know either nor Tom. Please let it be Edith's secret a little while longer.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Very well. I must say it's an unusual sensation to know there's a secret in this house I'm actually privy to. But I'll be silent if you wish.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: And you'll love her? Your new granddaughter?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I think, and perhaps to my surprise, I rather think I will.

A Moorland Holiday

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I don't know why you're making such a fuss, Mama. You'd visit Denker if she were locked up.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Only to check if the locks were sound.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: The English have strong principles except when it comes to good shooting or eating well.

Isobel Crawley: I think you'll enjoy Paris.
Prince Kuragin: Many of our countrymen have settled there. Of course, they've lost everything, but so have we.
Princess Kuragin: Including the will to live.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I will never again receive an immoral proposition from a man. Was I so wrong to savor it?

Lady Edith Crawley: Papa? Is something the matter?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: No, nothing's the matter, and that's what I want to make clear.
Lady Edith Crawley: I don't understand. What's this about?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Marigold.
Lady Edith Crawley: I see. And what do you have to say about Marigold?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I think you know what I want to say--what I want you to say.
Lady Edith Crawley: I can't give her up.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: No, of course not.
Lady Edith Crawley: I want your forgiveness, Papa. Am I allowed to say that still?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: It's not the way I would have things. I won't lie to you about that, but this is what's happened. I believe Michael Gregson was an honorable man.
Lady Edith Crawley: Oh, he was, Papa! He really was. He would have married me as soon as he could. I know that!
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I think so, too. So now we must do our best for his child. For his sake as well as yours.
Lady Edith Crawley: That's so lovely of you.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: But I think we should keep it in the family. Even in 1924, there are plenty of people who might be unpleasant.
Lady Edith Crawley: But do you forgive me, Papa?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Oh, my darling, I'm sure I need your forgiveness quite as much as you need mine.

Lady Edith Crawley: No burning ambitions?
Bertie Pelham: Not really. I'm always jealous of those chaps who fly the Channel or invent a cure or something. What about you? Are you pining for some unfulfilled dream?
Lady Edith Crawley: Not today. Today I feel very happy.

Henry Talbot: Be a sport and forgive me. I'm here for the night and I don't want you scowling at me through dinner.
Lady Mary Crawley: I shall scowl if I think you deserve it.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: [regarding Rose] She'll love you forever, if you'll let her. That's who she is.
Daniel Aldridge, Lord Sinderby: I know that now. How stupid not to have seen it before.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: You'll be pleased to hear that I am not about to have a heart attack. Your father has an ulcer.
Lady Mary Crawley: Oh, that's a relief!
Lady Edith Crawley: Well, yes, it is a relief, but you've got to be good with your diet.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Well said, we'll take it seriously. White fish, chicken, no alcohol--
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Steady on!

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Please be careful on Christmas Eve if you do decide to drink. You'll get plastered on a snifter of sherry.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Ah, paradise.

Tom Branson: What do you say we take a moment to think of Sybil? We're the three left on Earth who loved her the most.
Lady Edith Crawley: And Mama and Papa.
Tom Branson: But we were the three who should have grown old with her....And who knows when we'll be together again.
Lady Mary Crawley: Darling Sybil, wherever you are, we send you all our love and kisses, for the happiest of Happy Christmases.

Mr. Carson: But that's the point.
Mrs. Hughes: What is?
Mr. Carson: I do want to be stuck with you.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Now, what should Marigold call me?
Sybbie: Donk.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Oh, why not? She can call me "donk." And when she does I'll be reminded of you.

Series Six (1925)

Note: This sixth and final season begins in early April, 1925 and concludes with "The Finale" on New Year's Eve, December 31, 1925.

Episode 1

Mr. Barrow: Give me some tea.... I've had Miss Marigold on my back since luncheon.
Mr. Mosley: How lucky is that child?
Ms. Baxter: Why do you say that?
Mr. Moseley: What was she? A farmer's daughter until she caught the eye of Lady Edith. Now she'll grow up in the bosom of a great family and, no doubt, live a life accordingly.

Mr. Bates: I don't think Mr. Moseley meant to be unkind about Miss Marigold.
Anna: I'm sure he didn't.
Mr. Bates: Only it seemed to put you in a strange mood.
Anna: Did it?
Mr. Bates: It's ironic. So many children in need of a home, so many homes in need of a child.
[Anna starts weeping]
Mr. Bates: My God, what have I said? My darling, what have I said?!
Anna: It's not your fault. Only...I thought I was pregnant. And then this morning...Well, anyway, now I'm not.
Mr. Bates: You should have told me.
Anna: I didn't want to get your hopes up.
Mr. Bates: You weren't to know that'd happen.
Anna: But you see I was. Because it's happened before. Twice. I can't do it! I'm not able!
Mr. Bates: There is no proof of that. But if you're not, you're not. We'll be all right.
Anna: I've let you down.
Mr. Bates: There are no words less true than those. You could never let me down.

Lady Mary Crawley: She may cause trouble for me, but only because I've been foolish.
Mr. Carson: Oh, we can all be foolish, my lady.
Lady Mary Crawley: You know, Carson, someday there'll be something I've done that even you will condemn me for.
Mr. Carson: I doubt that very much.

Episode 2

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: What were you not saying about your visit to the Drewes?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Only that Mrs. Drewe has definitely not got over Marigold.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: No?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: No. She looked as if she wanted to swallow her whole.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Well, how clever was it to take the child there in the first place?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Mary made the plan. There was no way to cancel it.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I wish Edith would just tell her.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: No. She thinks Mary would use it as a weapon, and she may be right.

Episode 3

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: A peer in favour of reform is like a turkey in favor of Christmas.

Lady Mary Crawley: [to Carson] I'm so happy for you. I'm sorry if I made things awkward about the reception. Please forgive me.
Mrs. Hughes: My lady, Mr. Carson would forgive you if you attacked him with a brick.

Tom Branson: To the bride and groom.
[Everyone turns around, surprised]
Lady Mary Crawley: Tom! And Sybbie, darling! What are you doing here? And how did you know where to find us?
Tom Branson: I went to the house and the hall boy on duty told me where you were. And that means I can congratulate you in person, Mr. and Mrs. Carson.
Mrs. Hughes: Oh, are you back for a holiday?
Lady Mary Crawley: Oh, say you'll stay!
Tom Branson: That's just the point: I can stay as long as you want me.

Episode 4

Prudence, Dowager Lady Shackleton: It's very kind of you to let Henry and me push in to a family party.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: In return, please don't let Mama pull you into the fight [over the hospital].
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Really, Robert. You paint me as such a schemer.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: No one has sharper eyes than a loving son.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: You read that somewhere.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Why do you never think I can make something up?
[The Dowager Countess holds her tongue.]

Isobel Crawley: The treatments available to the village would be vastly superior to anything we can lay claim to now.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: You are making a grave mistake and impoverishing the village by doing so. Prudence, tell them.
Prudence, Dowager Lady Shackleton: I expect there's a good deal to be said on both sides.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Don't be so feeble.
Prudence, Dowager Lady Shackleton: How can I present myself as an expert when I don't know the facts?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: It's never stopped me.

Lady Edith Crawley: I suppose cousin Isobel is entitled to put up an argument.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: [very upset] Of course she is! She's just not entitled to win it!

Lady Mary Crawley: Do you know I couldn't be less interested in cars if I took a pill to achieve it?
Henry Talbot: Well, that's because you haven't been taught about them... properly.

Mrs. Harding (Gwen): I'll never forget her (Lady Sybil). Her kindness changed me life.
Lady Rosamund Painswick: What a lovely way to remember her.
Tom Branson: She was a lovely person.
Lady Mary Crawley: [immensely moved] Darling Sybil.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I've an idea that when you mentioned Mrs. Harding's connection with us, you were trying to catch her out.
Mr. Barrow: Well, I--
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I don't like to see such things, Barrow. I don't care for a lack of generosity. Do you understand me?
Mr. Barrow: Yes, my lord.

Mr. Barrow: I've enjoyed my time as butler.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I hope you've learned something from it. You see, Barrow, Carson is a kind man. Don't overlook that. It's why people are loyal to him.
Mr. Barrow: I'll bear it in mind, my lord.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Do. It should be helpful when you-- that is, when the hour strikes--
Mr. Barrow: [strained] To move on. Yes, my lord.

Episode 5

Lady Mary Crawley: They take such risks. I hate it. I just hate it.
Tom Branson: There's no such thing as slow motor racing.
Lady Mary Crawley: Even so.
Tom Branson: And there's no such thing as safe love. Real love means giving someone the power to hurt you.
Lady Mary Crawley: Which I won't concede easily.

Sybbie: Is Granny Violet a Red Indian?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Why on Earth do you say that?
George: Granny (Cora) said she was on the warpath.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: If this is it, just know I have loved you very, very much.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: This isn't it, darling. I won't let this be it.

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Don't reprimand me, Mama. I think the new system will be better, and I haven't got time to be diplomatic.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Don't you think I have enough things to worry about?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: It's better we should be honest. There've been too many secrets. Let's have no more of them.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: If you mean Marigold, that's settled, and you know I am sorry, now let us concentrate on Robert.

Lady Mary Crawley: Anna could I ask you something? Is there any talk in the servants' hall about Miss Marigold?
Anna: What sort of talk, milady? Well, everyone thinks she's a lucky little girl, being taken in by the family. But they would think that.
Lady Mary Crawley: And that's all you want to say?
Anna: Why? What else should I say?
Lady Mary Crawley: Never mind.

Episode 6

Isobel Crawley: Even Elizabeth Bennet wanted to see what Pemberley was like inside.
Violet Crawley, Lady Grantham: A decision that caused her a great deal of embarrassment, if I remember the novel correctly.

Lady Mary Crawley: Is he worth it?
Lady Edith Crawley: As opposed to your car mechanic?
Tom Branson: I'm a car mechanic, thank you very much.

Lady Mary Crawley: Edith, you can manage a day without us, can't you?
Lady Edith Crawley: I can manage without you for as long as you want.
Tom Branson: Why don't you come with us?
Lady Edith Crawley: And watch Mary flirt with her oily driver? No, thank you.
Tom Branson: Can't you be pleased for her?
Lady Edith Crawley: I'm as pleased for her as she would be for me.

Lady Mary Crawley: You mustn't let him wear you out.
Mr. Barrow: Oh, he's alright m'lady. [to George] Aren't you?
George: I was cheering him up.
Lady Mary Crawley: That's not what it looked like.

Anna: Will you miss me?
Mr. Bates: I miss you when you're out of sight, let alone in London.

Lady Mary Crawley: I won't let them send him the bill.
Tom Branson: That's unkind. His pride is more important to him than the money.
Anna: Thank you, Mr. Branson.

Lady Edith Crawley: This is Mary's son, George. And my late sister Sybil's daughter, Sybbie. And this is Marigold.
Bertie Pelham: God bless you, Marigold. What a lovely place this is to grow up.
Lady Edith Crawley: I certainly hope so.

Bertie Pelham: You've probably thought of this, but I'd place someone--maybe a servant--in each room the public will enter. Just to keep an eye on things.
Lady Mary Crawley: Literally.
Tom Branson: I think that's a good idea.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Carson, can you sort it out?
Mr. Carson: Of course, my lady. I understand it's only the ground floor.
Lady Mary Crawley: Not too much of that. They'll start in the small library, then through the big library, into the painting room, the drawing room, the smoking room, the great hall, in and out of the dining room, and back outside.
Bertie Pelham: Rope off across the staircases in the back wing. Who are the guides?
Tom Branson: Do we need guides? Can't they just have a look and leave it at that?
Bertie Pelham: I don't think so. Not if you want them to go away happy, and leave behind what's not theirs. Who knows about the history of the house?
Lady Edith Crawley: Only our librarian...but he's away.
Bertie Pelham: You'll have to fake it. Lady Mary, Edith, Mr. Branson--
Tom Branson: Not me. I don't know a thing. I'll sell tickets, but that's it.
Bertie Pelham: Well then, Lady Grantham. You and your daughters can take parties of ten each with no more than 30 in the house at any one time.
Lady Edith Crawley: Crikey.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Heavens. I feel like the Belgians waiting for the invasion.
Lady Mary Crawley: Or the monkeys in a zoo.

Tom Branson: Who is this flexible and reasonable person? I don't recognize my own dear sister Mary. Could this be love?
Lady Mary Crawley: Oh, shut up!

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: With her magazine, I think she could develop into one of the interesting women of the day.

Lady Mary Crawley: Ah, Granny. I'm glad you're here. What else can I tell them about the library?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: The library was assembled by the fourth earl. He loved books.
Lady Mary Crawley: What else did he collect?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Horses and women.

Episode 7

Molesley: Oh, Daisy. Mr. Dawes has been given a date by the examining board.
Daisy: Blimey. When is it?
Molesley: The 20th.
Daisy: Oh, my God!
Mrs. Hughes: I will thank you not to take the name of the Lord in vain.
Daisy: I hope it's not in vain. I need all the help I can get.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Lary Grey has spoken to Mrs. Crawley in a manner that, in any other century, would have resulted in his being called out and shot.

Lady Mary Crawley: [watching a car race] But what's the point? What do they get out of it?
Tom Branson: What do you think? Speed!

Lady Edith Crawley: I must ask you something. Would you let me bring Marigold with me?
Bertie Pelham: Marigold? Your family's ward?
Lady Edith Crawley: You see I'm much fonder of her than anyone else and I'd hate to leave her behind.
Bertie Pelham: If she means that much to you. Of course I hope we'll have children of our own before close of play.
Lady Edith Crawley: Oh, absolutely, I'd like that too!
Bertie Pelham: Does that mean you accept?
Lady Edith Crawley: Not quite. I'll have to think about it. I'm sorry to be a killjoy, but I must.
Bertie Pelham: Be my guest. I'm not going to marry anyone else.

Episode 8

Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: You mustn't make him wait forever.
Lady Edith Crawley: I love him. I'd accept him in a trice if weren't for Marigold.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: You say he'll let you keep her.
Lady Edith Crawley: That's not the problem.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: What is?
Lady Edith Crawley: If I stay silent, there's a lie at the heart of my marriage. But if I tell him the truth, will I ruin it?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: Edith, you're a grown woman and I can't force you, but you cannot be married to a man and leave him out of a secret like this. It's not possible. And you won't be happy.
Lady Edith Crawley: How happy am I now?

Lady Rosamund Painswick: I won't hear a word against Cora. Mama is being impossible.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I was only going to say, I wish Cora wouldn't take it heart. Mama has exhausted my patience this time.
Lady Rosamund Painswick: But she did give you Teo.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: True. I forgive her everything.
[watching Edith and Cora walking in the gardens]
Lady Rosamund Painswick: Do you think he will marry Edith? If he learns about Marigold?
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: I just don't want her to be hurt.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: For poor old Edith, who couldn’t even make her dolls do what she wanted, it is rather wonderful

Lady Mary Crawley: Honestly!
Tom Branson: I'm always honest.
Lady Mary Crawley: Are you?
Tom Branson: Why would you say that for heaven's sake?
Lady Mary Crawley: One word: Marigold.
Tom Branson: It wasn't my secret to tell.
Lady Mary Crawley: So it is true? Well, I knew it was.
Tom Branson: Never mind Marigold! She won't make you happy! Henry Talbot will!

Henry Talbot: How many years do you think it's taken me to find someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with?!
Lady Mary Crawley: Living in m family house?! Working to persevere my estate, and being outranked by your own stepson?!
Henry Talbot: Oh I'm tougher than I look.
Lady Mary Crawley: Oh, Henry, please don't make this harder than it has to be!
Henry Talbot: Are you mad? If you're trying to get rid of me, I'm going to make this as hard and horrible as I can.
Lady Mary Crawley: Well, you're being extremely unfair!

Lady Mary Crawley: You're wrong. I'm very happy for. And I admire you, Bertie. Not all men would accept Edith's past.
Tom Branson: Mary, don't.
Bertie Pelham, Lord Hexham: What do you mean?
Lady Mary Crawley: Well, you must have told him. You couldn't accept him without telling him.
Bertie Pelham, Lord Hexham: Tell me what?
Lady Mary Crawley: About Marigold. Who she really is.
Lady Edith Crawley: Marigold is my daughter.

Lady Mary Crawley: Going away?
Lady Edith Crawley: Do you care?
Lady Mary Crawley: Look I wasn't to know you hadn't told him. It never occurred to me--
Lady Edith Crawley: Just shut up! I don't know what's happened. Tom's made you feel bad, or Papa. Or maybe it's the same old Mary who wants her cake and hate me too.
Lady Mary Crawley: I never meant--
Lady Edith Crawley: Yes you did! Who do you think you're talking to?! Mama?! Your maid?! I know you! I know you to be a nasty, jealous, scheming bitch!
Lady Mary Crawley: Now listen, you pathetic--
Lady Edith Crawley: You're a bitch! And not content with ruining your own life, you're determined to ruin mine!
Lady Mary Crawley: I have not ruined my life! And if Bertie's put off by that--
Lady Edith Crawley: Don't demean yourself by trying to justify your venom. Just go! And you're wrong, you know, as you so often are. Henry's perfect for you. You're just too stupid and stuck up to see it. Still, at least he's got away from you, which is something to give thanks for, I suppose.

The Finale

Mrs. Patmore: Do you know your problem?
Daisy: I bet I soon will.

Isobel Crawley: But what can I do? I can hardly push my way past the servants and run upstairs to his bedroom.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I don't see why not. As my late father used to say, "If reason fails, try force."

Lady Rosamund Painswick: What do you think makes the English the way we are?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Opinions differ. Some say our history. But I blame the weather.

Mr. Carson: But she can't have it now!
Mrs. Hughes: She hasn't a lot of choice.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: The estate's safe in Mary's hands with Henry and Tom to help her. Edith has risen from the cinders in the hearth to be kissed by her very own Prince Charming. What more can we ask?
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: A long and happy life together, just we two, to watch the children grow. That's all I want.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: And why not? We never know what's coming, of course. Who does? But I'd say we have a good chance.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Makes me smile, the way every year we drink to the future, - whatever it may bring.
Isobel Merton, Lady Merton: Well, what else could we drink to? We're going forward to the future, not back into the past.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: If only we had the choice!
[Final line of the series]



The Crawley Family


Staff and Servants



  • Sybil "Sybbie" Branson (Seasons 3, 4, 5 and 6; May, 1920)
  • George Crawley (Season 3 finale, 4, 5 and 6; September, 1921)
  • Victoria Aldridge (September, 1925)
  • Baby Bates ("The Finale" December 31, 1925)

Illegitimate Children

  • Charles "Charlie" Parks (Seasons 2 and 3; August, 1918)
  • Eva Skinns- Marigold Gregson (Seasons 5 and 6; December, 1922 or January, 1923)
  • Daniel Clark ("A Moorland Holiday")



Old Romances

  • Mary Josephine Crawley and Matthew Reginald Crawley (Season 3)
  • Edith Crawley and Anthony Strallan (Seasons 1, 2 and 3)
  • Sybil Cora Crawley and Tom Branson (Seasons 2 and 3)

New Romances

  • Mary Crawley and Anthony Foyle, Tony Gillingham (Seasons 4 and 5)
  • Edith Crawley and Michael Gregson (Seasons 3 and 4)
  • Mary Crawley and Henry Talbot (Season 6)
  • Edith Crawley and Bertie Pelham (Season 6)

Quotes about Downtown Abbey

  • there was a time when a new novel came out — let's take Saul Bellow — and it was a public event. And really, it wasn't just an elitist hobby. I remember — this goes way, way back into my early childhood — when Gone with the Wind was published, the world was whirling around this novel. I remember walking to school and seeing shopkeepers sitting outside their shops reading Gone with the Wind. This was an event. It changed people's minds. Maybe I have a yearning for that, though I don't see it would ever happen again. On the other hand, didn't we see that with Downton Abbey? So maybe it isn't all lost.
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