Dzigbordi Kwaku-Dosoo

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Dzigbordi Kwaku-Dosoo

Dzigbordi Kwaku-Dosoo is a Ghanaian businesswoman, speaker, media personality and consultant. [1] She is the founder and CEO of The DCG Consulting Group and Allure Africa .


  • That is why in just a year of operation, even when profit is made, we continue to roll out bespoke and impactful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives in rapid succession such as the ongoing construction of a multi-purpose sports village at Sege, disbursement of ¢3 million interest-free loan to local women entrepreneurs, and our community water supply project through which we deliver potable water to Ada communities identified to have recurrent challenges to ease the burden of the people .
  • the goal of the company is to produce and supply salt not only to local and regional markets but particularly to export to the global markets as well. The vision is to leverage the entire salt value chain and the Chairman and the leadership of Electrochem is committed to realising this vision.
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