Elsie MacGill

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Elsie MacGill in 1938

Elizabeth Muriel Gregory MacGill (March 27, 1905 – November 4, 1980) was a Canadian engineer and feminist activist who was the first woman in North America to earn an aeronautical engineering degree, the first female aircraft designer in the world, and the first Canadian woman to earn a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. She was described as the "Queen of the Hurricanes" for her work to produce the Hawker Hurricane aircraft in Canada during the Second World War.


  • I have received many engineering awards, but I hope I will also be remembered as an advocate for the rights of women and children.
  • War effort is a man staying and working an extra hour, or two or five hours a day. It is a woman cutting short her noon hour to get back to finish the job; it is someone taking home his problems to solve them after dinner; it is someone coming back in the evening to finish an assignment. War effort is something, which is as microscopic in the unit as the individual, but as mighty in the sum total as an army.
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