Evi Edna Ogholi

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Evi Edna OgholiOgholi was born on 6 July 1966 in Isoko, Delta State (then Midwest Region) to the household of Reverend R. O. Ogholirly.[4][5] She married her producer and manager Emma Ogosi, and they had two children. The couple later separated, with Ogholi moving to Paris shortly after.[2]


  • ""When they (the fans) listened to some of my old songs, they will write me as if they are talking to their girlfriend. There was a music label in London (England) that wanted to remix one of my songs that I recorded on DECCA base on that.""
  • ""Reggae is a genre of music that always has messages for the people. Reggae music is loved in the ghetto and highbrow areas. It can be used to fight against injustice and for equal rights. It is also for peace and love. Right now, Nigerian youths are fighting for justice, so reggae music is the answer.”""
  • ""I also worked in a voluntary capacity with the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund in Paris, France, on Project Frimousse. I am so happy to be part of that project because the money realised from it was used to buy vaccines and medication for underprivileged children""
  • ""women should not be in such violent relationships. Marriage is for better for worse but not when there is a threat to one’s life.""
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