Gillian Hopwood

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Gillian Hopwood (born 27 June 1927) were British architects, based in Nigeria.


  • In fact, you feel bad and troubled inside when you go back to find the building you designed left in bad condition. When you preserve your buildings, you are spreading your budget, but you are preserving your heritage,”
  • I think we have lost some buildings which should have been kept. But you cannot keep everything particularly in an area where there is no room for expansion. Land values are too high to retain a single storey building where a multi storey one will make more sense from a commercial standpoint
  • We believe that history has shaped the present and that therefore we should be knowledgeable about it and learn from it. We must also have pride in ourselves, our community and above all, our heritage, remembering that the present becomes the history of the future.”
  • It’s the onset of the rains, you get clear skies, nice cloud effects and you could take the photographs. Each photograph’s composition was thought about carefully as film was expensive and had to be used sparingly.
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