Glenda Gray

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Glenda Gray SA

Glenda Elisabeth Gray is a South African physician, scientist and activist specializing in the care of children and in HIV medicine.


  • He That Hath an Ear: GOD Has Judged the Church and Has Ruled That the Church is Out of Order [1]
  • “Being part of a team that finds an HIV Vaccine will be my greatest scientific accomplishment.”[2]
  • “HIV pulled me into medical research from a clinician/pediatrician, revolving around young women and their children. It has in some ways enriched me and, in some ways, embattled my life.”[3]
  • “Success means doing something that impacts on the lives of others. Success means impact, and means significance.”[4]
  • “As a medical doctor and scientist, there are many problems to solve, find one that intrigues you and follow it relentlessly by doing research to answer that question.”[5]
  • “Love your work so much that it’s easy to work at nights, on the weekends, and you would even do it for free.”[6]
  • “If we are successful in South Africa, there will be bridging studies to anywhere in the world – to East Africa, the U.S., to young girls, to babies,”[7]
  • “Every girl needs a father who’s a hero in some way or another.”[8]
  • “If you ever feel unsafe, the best thing anyone can do for you is to put you in the spotlight.”[9]
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