Hsuan Hua

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Hsuan Hua

Hsuan Hua (宣化法師; Xuānhuà Fǎshī; born Bai Yushu; April 16 1937) was a Chinese Buddhist monk, teacher, and major contributing figure in bringing Chinese Buddhism to the United States in the late 20th century. He is the founder of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association (DRBA).



Spring Sun, Lotus Flower: Quotes From the Teachings of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua (2004)

  • When a proper person practices deviant dharma, even the deviant dharma becomes proper. When a deviant person practices proper dharma, even the proper dharma becomes deviant. (p. 5)
  • “The spirits and immortals of old had no special tricks; they were simply happy as could be, and they never worried.” This should be the motto of all cultivators. (p. 29)
  • All afflictions are based on selfishness. That is why we have so much anger and so many troubles. (p. 33)
  • Don’t get scared when you hear me call television, radios, and computers “man-eating goblins.” No need to be afraid. My hope is that you will clearly recognize these things for what they are. Once you recognize them, those electric gadgets lose their power to confuse you. But if you’re confused by them, then they can gobble you down. (p. 67)
  • When you reach the end of the mountains and rivers, You are free to roam throughout the Dharma Realm. (p. 86)
  • In the Buddhadharma, equality is found even in the realm of the Buddhas. All Buddhas are equal. It is not that some Buddhas are bigger than others, some taller and some shorter, some better and some worse, some lighter and some darker. All Buddhas are in accord and they have no mutual obstruction. (p. 133)
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