I Know What You Did Last Summer

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"Helen, we killed a man and ruined the lives of everyone he knew."
"I don't think we were that powerful, Julie. You're giving us way too much credit."

I Know What You Did Last Summer is a 1997 horror/slasher film starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe and Freddie Prinze, Jr. The film was followed by two sequels, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer and the straight-to-DVD release I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer.

He's got a hook on them... (taglines)
"Don't you get it? If there's some of him on the car, there's some of the car on him, they're gonna trace it back to you, you're looking at a hit and run."
"Then we dump the body."
Oh, you got a letter? I got run over! Helen gets her hair chopped off, Julie gets a body in her trunk, and you got a letter? That's balanced!
I know all about the accidents, and let me give you some advice: When you leave a man for dead, make sure he's REALLY dead!


  • We should have a plan. Angela Lansbury always had a plan.
  • Well, Bob. At summer's end, I plan on moving to New York where I'll pursue a career as a serious actress. It's my goal to entertain the world through artistic expression. Through art, I shall serve my country.
  • Come sit in the back. I'll let you do things to me.
  • Listen, you little shit-stick-mayberry-ass reject. There's been a murder, and you are going to fry in hell if you ignore it!


  • Is the dried-out, washed-up has-been having a moment?


  • I never knew her breasts were so... ample.


Barry: Jesus Christ, my fuckin' car. Fuck! Can't you see where you're going??
Ray: Look, it came out of nowhere, I didn't see it.
Julie: A dog couldn't have done that.
Barry: Yeah well a fucking deer could.
Ray: You dropped your bottle, I was just...
Barry: My dad is gonna freak on my ass.
Helen: It was an accident leave him alone.
Julie: Where is it? If it was a deer, then where is it?
Ray: Maybe it ran off.
Helen: I hope so, I hope we didn't kill it.
Barry: Fuck that. Lets go.
Julie: Oh, my God. [picks up a man's boot out of the gutter]
Ray: No way.
Julie: Oh, my God.
Helen: But I thought...
Ray: I didn't see it.
Barry: No there's no way.
Julie: Oh, my God, this isn't happening.

Ray: I think he's dead.
Barry: Shit! Fuck!
Helen: Who is he?
Ray: I can't tell, his face is all messed up.
Barry: What the hell was he doing out here?!
Julie: We've got to call the police and get an ambulance out here.
Barry: Hey, hey, what's your hurry? The guy's dead.
Julie: You're not a doctor you don't make that descison.
Barry: Use your brain Julie; we call the police and were fucked.
Julie: It was an accident.
Ray: Look, lets think about this a minute.
Julie: Think about what? Think about what? He was crossing the road in the middle of the night okay, it was an accident, you weren't drinking or speeding.
Ray: There's liquor all over the car.
Julie: But you're sober.
Ray: They will never believe I was driving.
Barry: It's my car, they'll nail my ass.
Helen: That's not true.
Barry: Are you kidding? Look at me, I'm drunk as shit, I'm fucked.
Helen: So we'll call the police, just tell them the truth, they'll believe us.
Ray: It's manslaughter. We're gonna fry no matter who takes the fall.
Barry: Then we leave right now.
Julie: No way, are you crazy?
Ray: The grille's busted, there's blood everywhere.
Barry: We can clean it up, come on.
Julie: Listen to yourselves, NO, we are going to the police.
Barry: [shouting] We don't have time for your shit, you understand?! We've got to move fast.
Ray: Hey, now lets try to stay calm. Focus.
Julie: Don't you get it? If there's some of him on the car, there's some of the car on him, they're gonna trace it back to you, you're looking at a hit and run.
Barry: Then we dump the body.
Julie: You've lost it.
Helen: Like just pretend we were never here.
Barry: We could drag him into the water and dump him in, they wouldn't find the fucker for weeks, by that time all the evidence would be washed away.
Ray: [warming to the idea] If they found him at all... The currents are strong, the undertow could carry him out to sea.
Julie: I won't be any part of it.
Ray: Look, I'm scared Julie, I'm not like the rest of you, I don't have the family or the money to get me out of this. Please.
Barry: This is your future Julie, think about it, college, your scholarship. The guy's already dead, if we go to the police we're dead too.
[A truck starts coming down the road towards them.]
Barry: Fuck.
Helen: What do we do?
Barry: [to Ray] Help me.

Ray: What can I do for you, Max?
Max: You can wipe that my-shit-don't-stink grin off your face.
Ray: Okay Max, will do. Have a goodnight.
Max: You almost got that rich boy act down Ray.
Ray: We'll be seeing you Max.
Max: Yup. Take care Julie.

Sheriff: Oh, and did this killer use his hook to cut all your hair off?
Helen: No. He used scissors, asshole.

Helen: By that time I'll just be finishing my two year contract with Guiding Light, coinciding with your first year as starting quarterback for the Steelers.
Barry: Cowboys.
Helen: Whatever. Then we can elope to Europe, or the Caymans. Wherever, where I'll let you impregnate me with the first of 3 children before you head off to rehab. Then we can live happily, blah blah blah.

Julie: Barry, stop!
Barry: No! Wake up, Julie. He's behind all this! How many fucked up fishermen are out there?
Ray: Look, he's after me too! I got a letter.
Barry: Oh, you got a letter? I got run over! Helen gets her hair chopped off, Julie gets a body in her trunk, and you got a letter? That's balanced!

Julie: We need help.
Barry: I'll say. You two should check out a mirror sometime. You look like shit run over twice.

Barry: I know what you did last summer?
Barry: Ooooooh! What a crock of shit.

Julie: Helen, we killed a man and ruined the lives of everyone he knew.
Helen: I don't think we were that powerful, Julie. You're giving us way too much credit.

Barry: How do you know this is even related? You did a lot of things last summer.
Julie: Yeah. Well, only one murder comes to mind.
Barry: [gets really furious] YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!

Ray: Julie, what are you doing here?
Julie: We didn't kill David Egan. It was someone else on the road that night.
Ray: What are you talking about?
Julie: I think it was Susie's father, Ben Willis. He's a fisherman.
Ray: But they found David's body in the water.
Julie: Yeah, I know, but I think Ben Willis killed David Egan!
Ray: Wait a second. You think this Willis guy killed David, then we killed him?
Julie: Yeah, but what if he didn't die, Ray? What if he's still alive?
Ray: This is crazy. Come aboard. Come inside.

Ben: You in some kind of trouble, child?
Julie: Yes, yeah. I'm in a lot of trouble.
Ben: That's a shame, being that it's the 4th of July and all. Kids like you should be out having fun. Drinking, partying, running people over, getting away with murder... things like that.

[the killer threatens Julie with his ice hook]
Ben: Happy 4th of July, Julie!
Julie: [terrified] Please, it was an accident!
Ben: I know all about the accidents, and let me give you some advice: When you leave a man for dead, make sure he's REALLY dead!


  • He's got a hook on them...
  • Welcome to South Port, the perfect small town. But beneath the surface, there are secrets that just won't stay buried.
  • If you're going to bury the truth, make sure it stays buried.
  • Someone knows their secret, someone knows they're scared, and someone knows what they did last summer.
  • Someone's got a hook to wield...
  • This secret is about to kill them all!

