Ijeoma Grace Agu

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Ijeoma Grace Agu is a Nigerian actress. She received a best supporting actress nomination at the 12th Africa Movie Academy Awards. She also won most promising actress at the 2014 Best of Nollywood Awards. In 2007, she made her first screen appearance in Eldorado TV series. She was also part of the cultural group at 2012 London Olympic Games.


  • It’s not a one size fits all. It depends on what you’re making, what the script is, who the character is, what the story is, and who you’re working with. That’s what determines what process you bring to it.
  • I’ll be a dead man walking if I don't live in my true form.
  • Be sure you are passionate about acting and that you are convinced its your calling before embarking on this great journey. There would be valleys on the way to the top and its your belief and confidence in your art that will keep you going.
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