Joyce Aryee

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Joyce Aryee at US Independence Day

Joyce Aryee (born 27 March 1947) is a Ghanaian former politician, business executive and minister. Aryee is recognized for having served Ghana for more than 40 years in both the public and private sectors.


  • "The manifestation of very deviant characters, including greed, lack of respect for authority and the elderly, worship of money over God and godly principles had contributed to the pervasive corruption in the country."
  • "Women have the power to reach their goals and aims in life with the support of other women and society as a whole."
  • "As a woman professionalism should be a mandate and women should be promoted based on hard work and not mere favours or recommendations. In addition to your profession, one can have a side business to enable women to be economically empowered."
  • "If ever there was a time that the word of God must be preached and followed by intense discipleship, is now."
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