Judi Evans

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Judi Evans (also credited as Judi Evans Luciano, born July 12, 1964) is an American actress.


  • Happiness is a choice and sometimes, it’s a really hard choice, but forcing yourself to find something constructive to do is key
    • [1]on finding joy in Little things
  • To those who have lost their mothers, to those who have lost their children, to those who have always wanted to be mothers but couldn’t, to those who are surrogate mothers to the people around them, I see you and I send you all love
    • [2] on her mother's day post
  • Animals are great, they love you unconditionally, and taking care of them catapults you out of your own head
    • [3] Judy talking about her two dogs and horses
  • It's great to be able to have that longevity because of the fans
  • Every day, I get up and push forward,It’s tough, but I strive to choose happiness
  • Sometimes when you play the same character for years, it’s hard to stretch, so this was fantastic.
  • When we’re tested, we find we have the ability to be resilient, and with faith we can survive and thrive
    • [7] on finding peace through faith
  • I am a little challenged, digitally. I still have to figure it out
    • [8]on being an actress in the digital age
  • It’s a hard industry. As long as you love acting, do it for the acting, not for making money. Be in it because you love playing other characters, and never stop growing. Study. You are going to learn a lot from everyone. Stretch yourself. It needs to be your passion, and not for fame. I have very lucky my whole life, and I just love acting so much. Embrace it and immerse yourself in it
    • [9] Judi evans advice to young and aspiring actors
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