Karen King-Aribisala

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Karen Ann King+Aribisala (born Guyana) is a Nigerian novelist, and short story writer. She is a Professor of English at the University of Lagos.


  • But you try to listen to the other person’s point of view as “The Black Lady The” does.
  • Simply by believing in God and leaving it to God to change things. Which is again not to say that you don’t do anything on your own part.
  • You hear another person’s point of view. You may agree with it or not but you are all achieving to some vision.
  • you cannot negotiate truth: truth is truth because it is truth. You can’t talk around it you know. Whether one sees it as a perversity or not I believe it is a perversity.
  • When you are criticising or analysing something it is different to when you are writing it and sometimes you can see more than the person who is sitting writing it ‘cos that’s the job of the critic.
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