Karimot Odebode

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Karimot Olábísí Odébòdé is a Nigerian education advocate, lawyer, poet, and founder of Black Girl's Dream Initiative, a youth-led organization aimed at closing the gender gap.In 2022, she was the only Nigerian on the lists of the 2022 United Nations cohort of 17 Young Leaders for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), announced at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly.She is a Youth Champion for ONE Campaign in Nigeria to helping in spearheading the fight against poverty[5] and in 2022, the Ministry of Youth and Sports Oyo State recognized her as one of the 100 influential young people for her advocacy work.


  • Success has a way of distorting your view. Keep winning, don't wallow in yesterday's success.
  • We cannot keep doing something the same way and expect a different result.
  • Tomorrow will come with its color but what we want is that people should see the goodness in our vision and nothing more or less.
  • To achieve that change we envisage, we need to stop being passive.
  • To achieve that dream society, we need to leave the comfortable corner of our room.
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