Lesego Tlhabi

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Lesego Tlhabi (born 13 December 1988) is a South African writer and comedian best known for creating the character Coconut Kelz.[1]


  • We were some of the experimental kids of the new rainbow nation and we battled a lot
  • I think it gave me my voice because I learned very quickly there isn’t a lot of help. We learned how to speak up for ourselves and how to identify micro-aggressions.
  • I think it’s easy to see when someone says the k-word or when someone is outwardly racist. Micro-aggressions are very difficult to pick up on.
  • That’s what I try to do with Kelz – expose the racism that doesn’t sound like racism.
  • I was like, if we are your friends and went to the same schools, why are these issues not important to you?
  • Because you will speak up about rhinos or puppies – of course you should – but why can’t you speak up about black people?
  • When you go to certain schools and live a certain life, you’re going to have blind spots. Kelz helps me identify my own blind spots
  • I understand being the first generation of black people who kind of made it out, my parents were very nervous about acting.
  • The thing that helped most of their peers get out was business, medicine and law. And there weren’t a lot of artists in their spaces who were able to make the money they made and give their children what they gave their children.
  • When I lived in South Africa, I was very nervous if people would laugh at me instead of with me.
  • I’m not thin. Being in this industry and being told ‘it’s difficult to imagine you in any role because you’re not thin’ was quite frustrating.
  • If you’re a chubby or plus-size girl or whatever you want to call it, you’re the comically funny friend. You’re always going to be that friend in the corner who’s like, ‘girrrl’ or whatever sassy little comment. It’s irritating.


  1. Nkanjeni, Unathi (13 December 2019). "Redi Tlhabi to stepdaughter Coconut Keltz: 'You have been nothing but love to me'". Sunday Times. South Africa. Retrieved 25 May 2020

Lesego Tlhabi channel on YouTube

Coconut Kelz on Twitter

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