Lydia Nsekera

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2018-10-17 Futsal (Girls Victory ceremony) at 2018 Summer Youth Olympics by Sandro Halank–034

Lydia Nsekera (born 20 April 1967) is a Burundian sports official who has been a member of the International Olympic Committee since 2009[1].


  • “The secret of my success is simple. I work, I work, and I work.”[1]
  • “Feminine soccer has to develop in the same way as male soccer and in all domains: refereeing, training, administration, governance, status of the player and marketing, Simultaneously, it must be protected from drift, as Cheating.”[2]
  • “Till today, I never sign anything if there is no feminine sector in what they propose to me.”[3]
  • “I work in the garage and I help children to do their home works. I also have a desk at home. Weekends are reserved for soccer and for the family. My two boys like soccer.”[4]
  • “I have never played soccer, but I always lay inside. In 70’s, my father was owner of a small club. Every weekend, players came home and gather before match. Then I followed them to the stadium.”[5]