Manipuri Raas Leela

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The Manipuri Dance, also referred to as the Manipuri Raas Leela (Meitei: Jagoi Raas/Raas Jagoi), is a jagoi and is one of the major Indian classical dance forms, originating from the state of Manipur.


  • As further directed by the divine, in 1779 CE, Jai Singh introduced a dance form that later was to become one of the eight prominent classical dances of India—the Manipuri Raas Leela. In this dance form, the philosophy of the pre-existing Meitei beliefs forms the basis on which the Vaishnava and Bhagavata theories and philosophies are constructed around in an aesthetic and pleasing manner.
    • Sampath V. (2022). Bravehearts of Bharat : vignettes from indian history. Penguin Random House India
  • The essential elements and the mode of dancing were drawn from Laiharaoba, while technical aspects such as head, body and neck movements, intricate footwork were drawn from the Thengou-rol (sword play), Khu-Sa-Rol (spear play) and Paphal-graphs (charts of graphic movement). Thus, broadly the choreography is a spectacular combination of Thang-Ta (martial arts of Manipur), Sarit-Sarat (unarmed Manipuri martial arts) and Mukna Kangjei (war exercises), all of which emanated from the pre-Hindu culture of the state.
    • Sampath V. (2022). Bravehearts of Bharat : vignettes from indian history. Penguin Random House India
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