Marion Lois Jones

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Marion Lois Jones (born October 12, 1975), also known as Marion Jones-Thompson, is an American former world champion track-and-field athlete and former professional basketball player.


  • "I surely wish that I could go back and change certain things in my past, on one hand, but then I wouldn't be who I am today, someone who I'm actually really proud of".
  • "If I hadn't gone through certain things, and because I had those six months or whatever -- just a lot of quiet time -- if I hadn't gone through it, I don't know if I would ever have that much time to reflect. A lot of people don't."
  • "My story is unique, in that the first part of my life, my journey, I hit the pinnacle of my career, and it was a very public career, and then I made decisions that cost me all of that".
  • "By helping people, it's a form of healing for myself, because I hurt so many people. I know that".
  • "I still struggle with knowing that I let a lot of people down. I disappointed a lot of people that love and care for me, worldwide, and when I think about that it kind of gives me the motivation to kind of keep going on".
  • "You can remember me winning races, winning medals, breaking records -- but how, then, is that going to help you in your day-to-day life?".
  • "I want people to understand everybody makes mistakes … I truly think a person’s character is determined by their admission of their mistakes and beyond that what they do about it … It’s really about looking forward, looking to the future, how can I make this wrong a right".
  • "I made a mistake. I made the choice to, at that time, protect myself, to protect my family, and I’ve paid the consequences dearly".
  • "The weight and the baggage of many years of knowing that. I’ve been blessed with a super amount of talent but I could not go on any more with this baggage, lying to the world, lying to God".
  • "I realized that people might not forgive me but that God forgives, and if He can forgive me I can forgive myself and I will be okay".

External References

Wikipedia has an article about: