Maxwell Jacob Friedman

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Friedman performing at an independent circuit show in November 2018

Maxwell Tyler Friedman (born March 15, 1996), better known by his ring name Maxwell Jacob Friedman (often abbreviated to MJF), is an American professional wrestler.


  • In 2007, I'm a 11-year-old boy with a litany of learning disabilities. I have severe ADD, every single day in school for me was hell. The one thing I was good at was football, I tried out for the team, and was one of only two Jewish kids to try out. Shockingly, the coach started me as a linebacker, and that meant everything to me. For once, I thought I fit in.
    And the very next day in school, I see my teammates walking up to me, and I'm excited because for once in my life, I thought I'm going to make friends.
    Instead, they look angry, and in their hands are rolls of quarters. And all of them decided to throw the quarters at me as hard as they physically could.
    They said, 'pick it up, Jew boy. Pick it up.' I went home, and I cried and cried.
    I finally stopped because I realized, 'today's Friday, and tonight I get to meet my hero CM Punk at an autograph signing.' CM Punk, the guy I looked up to. That day meant everything to me. When I went back home, I made a promise to myself. I wasn't going to be afraid to speak for myself. I, this 5 foot nothing, ADD-riddled jew boy, was going to become the best in the world.
    • 24 February 2022 quoted by Sai Mohan of Wrestling Inc
  • This is a great example of antisemitism.
    I’m a Jew from Long Island.
    Many Jews that live in the states get attacked in the streets for decisions made by the government in a country that we have zero affiliations with.
    Thank you for this example you miserable cunt.
  • He was talking about us as if we were scaly little trolls that live under the bridge, when we're normal, functioning members of society.
    I feel like antisemitism has always been rampant, but it's never been spoken about in the news... Kanye brought into light the fact that there are so many people out there who violently hate Jews.
    • 20 November 2022 regarding Kanye West, per article by Dylan Murphy of Wrestling Incorporated


  • MJF becomes AEW world champion
    • 20 November 2022 article by Joseph Staszewski of New York Post
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