Melody Ehsani

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Melody Ehsani (born March 27, 1980) is an American fashion designer based in Los Angeles.


  • "I wanted to do something iconic and classic, but forward and today, so it was really created intentionally to have a fashionable element to it, but also a very practical athletic element to it as well".
  • "I feel a lot of times that things are created for women aren’t actually practical. So I used a lot of inspiration from vintage jerseys including the ribbing and some of the wording and put it into a more modern look".
  • "In terms of other inspirations, a lot comes from music, like Ms. Lauryn Hill, Big Daddy Kane….those kinds of things have always inspired me maybe more so than actual designers".
  • "Part of the reason that I took on the Foot Locker role was because it was so much easier for me to come into a system that was already established, versus me having to literally build it from scratch".
  • "I try to split up creative days and workdays. If I am designing something, then my entire day from start to end will just be designing".
  • "I want to create something that will remind you of who you are, and why you're here — make it a little bit easier for you to move through the world, and feel supported or confident, whatever it is that you need".

External References

Wikipedia has an article about: