Michael Keaton

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Keaton at the 2014 New York Comic Con.

Michael John Douglas (born September 5, 1951), better known by his stage name Michael Keaton, is an American actor, producer and director. He is currently a visiting scholar at Carnegie Mellon University.


  • I'm gonna do four or five of these movies, and it's going to become my career. I'll have to keep expanding the bat suit, because I get fatter every year. I'll be bankrupt. I'll be out opening shopping malls, going from appearance to appearance in a cheesy van.
  • I probably could've done this earlier, if I was more ambitious.
  • I'll always stand by the first Batman. Even for its imperfections, people will never know how hard that movie was to do. A lot of that still holds up.
  • From an art perspective, I don't know how you get better than Beetlejuice. In terms of originality and a look, it's 100% unique.
  • Frankly, it's all set up now so that you're weirdly kind of safe. Once you get in those suits, they really know what to do with you. It was hard then; it ain't that hard now. Entertainment Weekly (2014)
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