Mosetsanagape Mokomele-Mothib

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Mosetsanagape Margaret Mokomele-Mothibi is a South African politician who represented the African National Congress (ANC) in the Northwest Provincial Legislature until 2014, when she failed to gain re-election. She served as the North West's Member of the Executive Council (MEC) for Social Development, Women, Children and People with Disabilities from November 2010 to June 2013 under Premier Thandi Modise. She was fired from the Executive Council after she admitted that she had used public funds to attend the ANC's 52nd National Conference in December 2012


  • "She won’t pay the money as the ministerial booklet allowed her to the benefit."
  • “I will not pay back the money as I am entitled to those benefits. I do not know why only me being brought forward before the committee while there are other MECs who did the same, but they are not questioned."

External reference
