Mowalola Ogunlesi

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Mowalola ogunlesi (born March 25, 1995) is a Nigerian-born fashion designer and singer working and living in London.


  • Failure feels like the worst thing that could happen to you, but actually, it’s not.
  • Outdated minds are a danger to the world
  • It shows no matter how well dressed you are or well behaved, we are time after time, seen as a walking target. I’m in a privileged position to be able to speak on issues that others would be silenced on. Inequality is still rife and newspapers clawing at my work is testament to that.
  • Mine is a world where everyone is free in terms of what they wear, in terms of how they think,” she explains.And my women aren’t threatened by anyone – they are taking back their power.
  • I make clothes to challenge people’s minds. This gown is from my collection ‘Coming For Blood’ – a delving into the horrific feeling of falling in love. This dress is extremely emotional to me – it screams my lived experience as a black person. It shows no matter how well dressed you are or well behaved, we are time after time, seen as a walking target. I’m in a privileged position to be able to speak on issues that others would be silenced on. Inequality is still rife and newspapers clawing at my work is testament to that
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