Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma

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Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma with Obamas 2014 (cropped)

Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma (born Dlamini; born 27 January 1949), sometimes referred to by her initials NDZ, is a South African politician, medical doctor and former anti-apartheid activist.


  • If I turn out bad, please blame Aziz because he taught me how to do and handle matters the best way I can.
  • The history and story of liberation is incomplete without Aziz’s contribution. It is no coincidence that he wrote in his biography that his life experience cannot be separated from the ANC and SACP.
  • Very little is going to support women in South Africa. Ugandans are so serious about that policy, such that all annual budgets go through their human rights entities to be approved
  • We need to liberate women and create safe spaces that offer them economic freedom and independence because had it not been for women, many homes would have collapsed. They’re strong mentally and very strategic thinkers who raise children single-handedly
  • I am not saying I have solutions but merely seeing signs of a psychologically affected community that needs to shift to a new way of doing things, and doing away with stereotypes that promote violence, the bullying of individuals and infringing on their human rights.
  • Young couples also need guidance in creating these safe spaces and healthy marriages. That will alleviate GBV and domestic violence. We can do it. It’s not as bad as it looks
  • A typical example is that the average woman wakes up every morning to nurture a newborn, raises the child in hardships, putting herself aside to ensure the child's growth and development. And then get abused when she brings and nurtures life. What is the problem?
  • Commemorating Disability Awareness Month offers an opportunity for all of us to remove social barriers and perceptions while improving the quality of life of people with disabilities through concrete action of empowering persons with disabilities through resourceful, sustainable and safe environments
  • People with disabilities should not be excluded from their constitutional rights due to disability. The National Disability Rights Policy, namely, the White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, aligns with the National Development Plan and the Strategic Priorities of the Sixth Administration in calling for economic transformation and job creation.

  • While people with disabilities continue to be unemployed and underemployed, it remains important to promote and support the empowerment of persons with disabilities to reduce economic vulnerability
  • Disability may be present from birth, or occur during a person's lifetime. It may be permanent, temporary or episodic in nature.