Nneka (singer)

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Nneka at Cargo, London in 2009

Nneka Lucia Egbuna (born 24 December 1980) is a Nigerian singer, songwriter and actress.


  • There's no separation, where you come from, whether you're Ghanaian, whether you're Jamaican, whether you're Haitian, we're all one and that's what I wanted to portray on my album.
  • I always say my motivation came from the unknown, from having the space, being given the opportunity to explore a different country, a different language and having peaceful surroundings.
  • Wake up Africa, wake up and stop blaming / Open your eyes, eyes, stand up and rise!
  • Making collaboration with me? Yes, why not! If you got the interest, you like me and I like you, then we are good.
  • My music gave me strength and motivation. And it almost seemed like it was not really my words; it was almost like a voice that was outside of me, motivating me. I said to myself that I like what I do.
  • The word ‘Supreme’ is just everything; it encompasses all our emotions, all sides of our being. And, for me, I seem like there is so much that has been said before, and so much I had said in the past, and I just felt like if I am going to say anything now, I have to go within. Going within doesn’t necessarily mean superficially going within my ego; it means going within the body to remember whom I am. And when I do that, the world remembers who they are, because we are all connected.
  • I see myself as a smaller version of the universe. And everything that is within me is within this universe. And I am a reflection of you and vice versa.
  • You want to change something about corruption, then don’t be corrupt.
  • If something is meant to move, it will move. Energy goes where attention is. When your attention is on beyond the sky and stars, then that is where your energy is going to flow.
  • Love yourself, Nneka; because only so can you truly love God and others.’ I would say, ‘it is okay to go through certain things. It is okay to have had a difficult life experience. It doesn’t define who you are. It is a life experience. It is there, but it is not who you are. And it is okay to be afraid, but bear in mind that most of the fear you have is what they told you to be afraid of. It is the conditioning. Most of it is not real.
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