Nupur J. Sharma

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Nupur J. Sharma is a journalist and author. She is a columnist, editor and journalist at OpIndia and has authored the book "Delhi Anti-Hindu Riots 2020".


  • After the unrelenting persecution by the Mamata Banerjee government and threats ... I have decided to move to Delhi. Staying in West Bengal under the current regime it is next to impossible to report the truth.
  • I speak as the Editor of OpIndia when I say that our platform itself believes that majority media houses have lost their ethical code. We have over 300 articles filed under “Media lies”. To ask us then, to conform to the ethical standards set by the very institution we oppose is a monstrosity at myriad levels... The moment you censor thoughts, you kill the soul of a man and the spirit of the writer. I oppose any regulation that may just as easily morph into tools of censorship.
    • 3 May, 2018. Nupur J Sharma, at [1]
  • An example of why semantics matter: Delhi Riots were decisively planned and executed by Islamists against Hindus. But guess how the Left defined it? They called it an “anti Muslim POGROM”. Not genocide. Not riot. A “POGROM”.
    A “POGROM” has a very distinct feature internationally. It essentially connects to genocide particularly of Jews. Left wanted to equate Islamists to Jews in order to internationalise the issue (works as they can compare Hindus to Nazis). They lied. But the lie was well thought
    The first step is to define our problems better. It is time that we start playing the game slightly more intelligently. Slightly more mindfully. Our civilisation is at stake. They use clever words to sell a lie. Let’s try and do the same to explain our truth, at least
    • Nupur Sharma, Twitter, Nov 18 2020 [2]
  • While the Left dismisses these occurrences as a figment of the ‘right-wing imagination’, the cases are real. The dead bodies are also real and the threat is imminent... It is because of the narrow definition of a term like ‘Love Jihad’ that the Left is now attempting to twist it to allege that the term Love Jihad is simply used because ‘extremist Hindus’ are against inter-faith marriages, whereas, the phenomenon is far from being about consensual relationships.
    It is for these reasons that OpIndia has now decided to do away with the term ‘Love Jihad’ in its parlance and reportage. There is no ‘Love’ in Jihad and even if accept the term along with its problematic syntax, it fails to capture the severity of the Jihad that is being waged by sections of radical Muslims that specifically target non-Muslim women. We believe that the term ‘Grooming Jihad’ is far more appropriate since it encapsulates within itself all categories of crimes that keep women at the centre of this Jihad.
    Non-Muslim women are being groomed to accept their own subjugation at the hands of Muslim men. They are kidnapped, raped, lured, converted to Islam, punished and brainwashed. There is no ‘Love’ in these crimes against humanity. There is no ambiguity that it is a form of Jihad. It is time to call it what it is – Grooming Jihad.
    • Why OpIndia has decided to use ‘Grooming Jihad’ instead of ‘Love Jihad’ moving forward, Nupur J Sharma | 18 November, 2020 [3]
  • I spoke to a young girl today, who was gang raped by TMC workers. She says she was targeted because she was a Hindu woman and because she worked for BJP. She is still being hounded and threatened to take her complaint back... After a 1.5 hour conversation with her, I was left numb and nauseous. There are several like her who aren’t speaking up. Brutalised by TMC workers. She is a brave girl because she says she won’t take her complaint back even if it means death for her...

Delhi Anti-Hindu Riots 2020 (2020)

  • There are some events in the history of a people that get etched in the memory like no other. The Delhi Riots and the cycle of fake news, blatant lies, misrepresentations, fear-mongering and carnage that was unleashed against Hindus is one such. CAA was the fulfilling of a foundational promise of the Republic of India. Providing refuge to the persecuted minorities in the Islamic countries of our immediate neighbourhood was a sacred oath that was sworn by the first leaders of our Republic in the immediate years of the partition of our country. It took us decades to fulfill that promise but better late than never. Under normal circumstances, it should have been a cause for celebration, a moment of euphoria for the nation as a whole but the times we live in, while the tears of joy in the faces of the refugees was still evident, the nation could not unite to share in their moment of bliss as Radical Islam reared its ugly head. Even so, it was truly a historic moment and the relevance of it could never be exaggerated. Since December, the entire ecosystem that comprises of Islamists, the Left, India’s traditional cabal of intelligentsia and media not only vilified Hindus, but also shielded the ones who were unleashing violence against the unsuspecting victims. The cycle of carnage started when the government of India decided to ease the process of getting citizenship of India for the persecuted religious minorities of naighbouring Islamic nations.
    • Editor's note
  • Further, we would also like to thank the avowed Hinduphobes. It is you who said ‘Hum Dekhenge’. It is you who said ‘Sab Yaad Rakha Jayega’, and it is because of that we realized the need to remember everything – every little slogan, every little speech that incited hate against Hindus, every stone pelted, every life claimed and every incident of violence against Hindus.
    • Acknowledgements
  • The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is aimed to expedite citizenship to the religiously persecuted minorities of the neighboring Islamic nations that were carved out of India and failed to treat its citizens equally.
    • Executive Summary

Chapter: The Contribution of ‘Civil Society’ organizations to the violence

  • Harsh Mander has served in the National Advisory Council (NAC), an advisory body set up by the first United Progressive Alliance government to advise the Prime Minister of India, with Sonia Gandhi as its chairperson. The body was widely regarded by Indian citizens and then opposition political parties as unconstitutional. The body comprised people from civil society organizations of questionable repute. The NAC faced the harshest criticism for its draft of the Communal Violence Bill. The Bill, officially referred to as the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011, promulgated that Hindus ought to be considered the presumptive guilty party in the case of any communal riots. It assumed that only religious or linguistic minorities and people from the Scheduled Castes and Tribes could be the victims of communal violence conveniently ignoring all ground realities.
  • Harsh Mander with his organization ‘Karwaan-e-Mohabbat’ published a report on the police action at the Aligarh Muslim University that absolved the students of all sins and peddled numerous lies against the Uttar Pradesh Police. Later, of course, the entire report turned out to be a massive fraud.
  • Most intriguingly, Harsh Mander is the Chairman of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation’s Human Rights Initiative Advisory Board. The controversial left-wing ‘activist’ Harsh has landed himself in a spot of bother after a video where he can be seen inciting Muslim mobs against the Indian State and judiciary went viral on social media. Mander said that henceforth, decisions pertaining to matters of the state shall not be decided by the Supreme Court or the Parliament but will be made in the streets. Since then, the Supreme Court has refused to hear Harsh Mander’s petition until he clarifies his ‘justice on the streets’ speech.
  • In the past, Harsh Mander has engaged in apologia for Ishrat Jahan, a female Lashkar-e-Taiba operative who was killed in an encounter along with three others by Crime Branch Officials in Gujarat during Narendra Modi’s tenure as the Chief Minister of Gujarat. He was also one of the individuals who had signed a mercy petition for the 1993 Mumbai Attack Terrorist Yakub Memon, was among the 203 persons who had signed the mercy petition for Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab responsible for the Mumbai Terror Attack of 2008, and had signed the mercy petition for Afzal Guru, the mastermind of the 2001 Terror Attack on the Indian Parliament. In 2019, Harsh Mander had filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking the recusal of then Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi from hearing a case relating to the condition of detention camps and deportation of illegal immigrants from Assam. He was also one of the forty ‘activists’ who had filed a review petition in the Court against the Ayodhya Verdict that has paved the way for a Ram Temple at Ayodhya, bringing an end to a historical dispute. He is also part of the coterie that has filed a petition against the Citizenship Amendment Act. Moreover, Harsh Mander is also a member of the Ara Pacis Initiative, an organization backed by the Italian Government and is known to work in collaboration with the Italian Secret Services.
  • Sharjeel Imam’s rise to notoriety was driven by a speech he made that went viral on social media. In the said video, he had urged Muslims to cut off North East India from the rest of the country by blocking the Chicken’s Neck. The Chicken’s Neck is a narrow stretch of land of about 22 kilometers located in West Bengal, that connects the northeastern states to the rest of India, with Nepal and Bangladesh lying on either side of the corridor.. The stretch of land is extremely important for Indian national security reasons and considering Sharjeel Imam’s educational qualifications, it is plainly obvious that he was fully aware of the implications of his words. Sharjeel Imam says in the viral video, “If five lakh Muslims are organized then we can cut off the North-east from the rest of India. If we cannot do so permanently, then at least we can do it for months. Our responsibility is to cut Assam from India, only then will the Government hear our voice. If we have to help Assam then we will have to cut Assam from the rest of India.” The worldview of Sharjeel Imam was made obvious from the posts he made on Facebook and the column he penned for far-left media outlet The Wire, which is known to spread fake news.
  • He has claimed that the hanging of Radical Islamic Terrorists Yakub Memon and Afzal Guru would ‘shake’ the faith of Indian Muslims in the country’s judiciary and democratic values. He also attempted to whitewash the Pulwama Terror Attack carried out by Radical Islamic Terrorists in 2019 and claimed that the USA is responsible for the tensions between India and Pakistan, ignoring the fact that Pakistan has been guilty of sponsoring terrorist attacks on Indian soil. Sharjeel Imam has also accused India, USA and Israel of Islamophobia.
  • Sharjeel Imam is important in the scheme of things because it was him who masterminded the anti-CAA Shaheen Bagh protests and making the state machinery to capitulate to mob rule by blocking off streets was his brainchild as well. And as we know, it was precisely that led to the situation spiraling out of control. In another Facebook post, Sharjeel denigrates Idol-Worship and calls it ‘Shirk’. He also insults polytheism, the form of religiosity most Hindus subscribe to, by using it as an insult. He equates atheism, secularism, humanism, even nationalism, to Shirk. In Islamic theology, ‘Shirk’ is considered a sin.
  • Sharjeel Imam’s plan for the future becomes evident during this part of the speech which is towards the end of it. He lays out an elaborate plan to make the state bow down to the Muslim community. He makes it clear that it is not a fight between the Congress party or the BJP but one between the Muslim community and the Indian State... He concludes his speech by saying that ‘We have the strength to bring Hindustan to a halt’.
  • The radical Islamic outfit, Popular Front of India has been in the midst of several dangerous controversies and plots of radical terrorists... . The PFI is suspected of funding violence in the recent spate of violence during the ongoing protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act. The Enforcement Directorate has claimed that the PFI has spent around Rs. 120 crores to fuel riots across the country. The investigation report says that the money was withdrawn a day before or on the day of the anti-CAA protests.
  • The PFI has a history of its members being associated with violence. Only in November 2019, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) had re-arrested the out-on-bail accused and a member of PFI, KA Najeeb, in connection with a professor’s palm chopping case in Kerala. Najeeb was booked under relevant sections of the IPC, Explosive Substances Act, and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act for “conspiring and facilitating the lethal attack on Professor TJ Joseph at Thodupuzha, Ernakulam district in Kerala on July 4, 2010.” PFI member Asim Sharif is also suspected of involvement in the killing of RSS activist Rudresh. Rudresh, the RSS worker, was hacked to death in the Shivajinagar area of Bengaluru in October 2016. Five men including Asim Sharif were arrested in the case and a National Investigation Agency court had framed charges against them. Asim Sharif was reportedly the district president of Bengaluru PFI...
  • Prashant Bhushan has been at the forefront of these violent protests, part of the coterie of high-profile activists that he is. There were legal teams working to help protesters avoid the consequences for their actions, some of them were headed by advocate Prashant Bhushan himself. The 'advocate' also spread numerous canards against the CAA and NRC during the run-up to February, calling it an attempt to snatch away citizenship from the "poor, Dalits and Muslims".
  • Prashant Bhushan has also declared that CAA and the NRC was the “first concrete step” to establish a Hindu Rashtra in India. An article [396] he co-authored in January said, “Though agitation in the country has been sparked off by the passing of the communal and discriminatory CAA, a far more serious malaise lies behind the NRIC and the NPR. This exercise has however, finally lit the spark of a massive people’s movement against this inhuman and communal regime. The government is trying to suppress the protests by brutal police action in BJP ruled states.”.. During this period, he also had a run-in with the Judiciary. At a press conference in January [397] , he called Uttar Pradesh Police the “largest organised gang of communal criminals in the country.” At the same press conference, he said, “Ironically, the High Court and Supreme Court kept mum over the anarchy in the state. Such a situation was not even seen during the Emergency period."
  • Prashant Bhushan, who has been a vocal critic of the Modi Government, is associated with the foreign-funded NGO CommonCause. CommonCause has a history of making legal interventions, often pertaining to very critical matters of the state. Leaving aside matters of law, it is indeed a cause for grave concern for the Indian State that foreign funded organizations are intervening in crucial matters of the state. They could very well be pushing forward foreign interests to undermine India’s own.
  • Amnesty International has been extremely vocal in its opposition towards the CAA and the NRC.
  • Thus, quite clearly, Amnesty was engaging in crass fear-mongering and demonizing the law and order establishment as they attempted to rein in the chaos that had unleashed and bring the perpetrators to justice. Thus, it is important for us to understand the possible factors that might have prompted Amnesty India to engage in such propaganda and for that, it is necessary to look into their background... The rank and file of Amnesty India appears to be overflowing with people with mala fide intentions.
  • Retired Justice Madan B Lokur, who recently spoke out against the CAA has links to an NGO as well. ...Justice Lokur’s association with the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) may provide some clue into the reasons behind his flip flop on the matter of detention centers and his comments on the CAA. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the CHRI... As per its website, “CHRI’s work is split into two core themes: Access to Information and Access to Justice, which includes Prison Reform, Police Reform, and advocacy on media rights and the South Asia Media Defenders Network (SAMDEN). ...The ideological inclinations of Salil Tripathi, Siddharth Varadarajan of The Wire, and the New York Times are well known. These are compulsive contrarians who have a problem with anything and everything that the Modi government does. There are more troubling aspects to the CHRI than meets the eye. For instance, the CHRI had received Rs. 2,29,500 on the 20th of September, 2019 from the United States’ Department of State for the purpose of “Advocacy and Outreach Programme for Detainees in the North Eastern States of India”. The CHRI has also received huge amounts of money from the Oak Foundation, a shady globalist organization. ...The Oak Foundation is particularly shady... The CHRI also receives crores of funds from dubious sources that appear hell-bent on undermining the sovereignty of India.

Chapter : The Conduct of the Indian Media

  • AltNews was not the only digital media outlet that came to the defense of Tahir Hussain. The Wire provided its platform to the AAP leader to declare his innocence and engage in further victim-mongering. In a video clip shared by The Wire on social media, Tahir Hussain can be heard saying that he should not be targeted for his Muslim identity. Engaging in such problematic rhetoric when several serious allegations have been leveled against Tahir Hussain by eyewitnesses and the family of a deceased Intelligence Bureau constable is irresponsible behaviour on the part of a media outlet, to put it mildly. However, it’s consistent with how the media has conducted itself in the entire matter.
  • Jai Shri Ram’ is a widely popular slogan among Hindus that literally means ‘Glory to Shri Rama’. Lord Ram is a Hindu God who is loved and cherished by Hindus across the world. However, in recent times, attempts have been made to restrict the slogan to only those groups that endorse ‘Hindutva’, that is, the ideological stance of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Thus, the WSJ’s report that claimed that Ankur Sharma had told them that his deceased brother was attacked by a mob chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ was naturally interpreted by people across the political spectrum that the murder was committed by a Hindu mob.
  • The only problem with WSJ’s report is that Ankur Sharma has never said such a thing. Every time that they have spoken to the media, Ankit Sharma’s family has always maintained that Tahir Hussain is responsible for his death. Even the FIR filed by the Police on the basis of the statement given by the family holds the AAP leader as the accused party. It was quite clearly a malicious lie that was peddled by the WSJ. Speaking to OpIndia Editor Nupur J Sharma, Ankur Shamra flatly refuted the quote that was attributed to him by the WSJ. “I have never said this madam, the people who murdered my brother were not shouting Jai Shree Ram”, he said. [467] Elsewhere, he has also accused the WSJ of lying. Quite clearly, it was either a monumental mistake on the part of the WSJ or it was a malicious lie that was generated solely to cast aspersions on the ruling party at the Center. Given how the media has behaved during the entire saga, one is forced to assume that it’s the latter.

Chapter : Conclusion

  • The Indian Media has indulged in propaganda regarding the violence in Delhi as well. First, they often spread misinformation about the provisions of the CAA itself. Then, they ran an atrocious defense for Tahir Hussain. And furthermore, they also tried to propagandize into existence a “students’ movement” against the CAA, a phenomenon that did not exist on the ground.
  • The conduct of the Western Media was even more atrocious. The Wall Street Journal fabricated quotes in order to blame Hindu groups for the murder of Ankit Sharma. They have tried to paint the communal riots as an ‘anti-Muslim pogrom’. In their hatred for Donald Trump, they targeted the Prime Minister so that the US President could be criticized for refusing to interfere with the internal matters of India.

Quotes about OpIndia

  • In the last few days, you would have noticed that we were the target of a coordinated attack from the usual suspects as well as from some unusual corners... I am not saying that they can’t make mistakes, and when our well-wishers like you would point them out, they will make amends. But this time, their only mistake was that they were standing on the wrong side of the ideological divide. But that stand is non-negotiable. That’s what is the soul, the identity of India. That’s not going to change.
  • We have worked with relentless focus to show how a certain section of the mainstream media distorts facts and maligns those who dare to question them. OpIndia too was mocked and maligned – and that process has not stopped, nor it will stop ever, we are sure – we were treated as outcasts, branded ‘trolls’ (we don’t complain), personal lives of people associated with the website were targeted, but we persisted. While we made these powerful enemies, what kept us going was the fact that we made many friends too. We could create a community that stood by us and continues to support us to this day.
  • I speak as the Editor of OpIndia when I say that our platform itself believes that majority media houses have lost their ethical code. We have over 300 articles filed under “Media lies”. To ask us then, to conform to the ethical standards set by the very institution we oppose is a monstrosity at myriad levels... The moment you censor thoughts, you kill the soul of a man and the spirit of the writer. I oppose any regulation that may just as easily morph into tools of censorship.
    • 3 May, 2018 Nupur J Sharma Editor, at [4]
  • If I disapproved of the ban on The Satanic Verses, if I disapproved of Dinanath Batra (whom I called “Ban Man” in my article in The Washington Post), if I disapproved of how Taslima Nasreen was hounded and attacked in Hyderabad by Asaduddin Owaisi’s AIMIM, then I can’t suddenly do a volte face and chest-thump today. When you ban a book, it acquires a kind of cult status because the market fuels curiosity. That is what happened with other banned books. In fact, there are books chronicling banned books by different regimes in history...All I am saying is that forcing Bloomsbury India to withdraw the book is counter-productive – both politically and in the pure sense of how market forces work... Where do you draw the line? Today, many are relieved that this book will not find a publisher in Bloomsbury. But what will you do if Swarajya or OpIndia launches a publishing house of its own in the future?

Quotes about Nupur Sharma

  • The Delhi riot were completely falsified as an anti-muslim progrom, it was not. Your research has shown that, i think you have done some terrific work... We must speak truth on it, and if we have Freedom of Expression in this country,... This is a complete attack on the Freedom of Expression. So we must bring this book on the shelves and if Bloomsbury does not bring this book back on the shelves then Bloomsbury should leave India. .. The next cabal we have to break is the cabal of these publishers.