Obianuju Ekeocha

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Obianuju Ekeocha (1979–) is a Nigerian biomedical scientist based in the United Kingdom.


  • I see this $4.6 billion buying us misery. I see it buying us unfaithful husbands. I see it buying us streets devoid of the innocent chatter of children. I see it buying us disease and untimely death. I see it buying us a retirement without the tender loving care of our children. Please Melinda, listen to the heart-felt cry of an African woman and mercifully channel your funds to pay for what we REALLY need.
  • Every day I go about it like a mission — whether it fails or not. It is all done for God and for the love of the African people. We see some really good results and influence of the work we do. People genuinely want to help Africa and I am very encouraged by what I see. All of it I put in the hands of God.
  • Abortion is never the answer.
  • The battle against life is so overwhelming that people must do something.
  • There really is a need for you to rise and be part of the solution, be part of the answer.
  • There is always a way, because God can and will always make a way.
  • There really is that role for all of us in the building of the culture of life.
    • [1] speaking on her faith
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