Oluwaseun Osowobi

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Ayodeji Osowobi is a Nigerian women's rights activist. She is the founder of the Stand to End Rape (STER) Initiative. In 2019 she was the second Nigerian women to be named to Time 100 Next list, and she was the Commonwealth Young Person of the Year for that same year.


  • Just speak out. You owe it to yourself and to no one, whenever you are able to share your story or even to say I need help. There is absolutely freedom in asking for help. There is no shame and no self-guilt.
  • The Nigerian policemen and women are a representation of our society. And until our society begins to push back, against their violence and saying no more will you disrespect our women and girls then, of course, our society’s silence emboldens the culture of abuse against women.
  • ...guarding yourself against partnerships that want to suck the life out of you not because they share the same value, but because they like the fame you’re getting. So you need to be discerning in terms of working with people.
  • Take care of your own mental health and well being because that is very important.
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