Oroma Elewa

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Oroma Elewa is a Nigerian visual and performance artist, writer and creative director. In her art, Elewa examines social constructs and their impact on identity, thought, expression and behavior. Her work is fundamentally concerned with reflecting upon and interrogating personal experiences that hold social, cultural, political and racial import, contemporary womanhood and, in her own words, ‘facets of Black identity, including the transnational African mindset, the diasporic experience, and [her] possession of a “Black Body.”’ The artist first came to prominence as the founding Editor-in-Chief and publisher of Pop’Africana, a fashion and art magazine that amplified contemporary African fashion, style and aesthetics to international audiences.


  • I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to know better.
  • A vision of an Africa that shelters and respects individualism and for Africans, that the world’s opinion of us is redirected.
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