Priscilla Hagan

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Priscilla Hagan (born 8 April 1996) is a Ghanaian women's football forward who plays for Slovenian club Olimpija Ljubljana.


  • Gdansk is beautiful. I like multicultural cities. I came here at the beginning of the year (2021) and worked the entire preparation period with the team (AP Loros Gdansk). I am from outside Europe so playing in different leagues was a challenge for me.
  • I wanted to play football from the age of seven, although my mother says that I had been digging other items before. It was a dream come true for me to be able to play in Europe. I was prepared for it much earlier. At the beginning, it was not easy because I had a collision with low temperatures, which was new to me. Today I'm used to it.

Quotes about Hagan

  • Priscilla came to Gdańsk at the beginning of January (2021), so she already had some time to acclimatize, but we realize that in her case this period may be a bit different than in the case of the Polish players. That is why all club employees try to do everything to make her feel as good as possible in Gdańsk. I am also glad that the other players received her warmly. I believe Priscilla will bring a lot to the team's offensive performance.
    • Tomasz Bocheński (President of Polish female football club AP Lotos Gdańsk), [1], Ghana Soccernet, 23 February 2021.
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