Sabra Johnson

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Sabra Elise Johnson (born July 29, 1987) is an American dancer from Roy, Utah and the reigning champion and first female winner of the Fox reality television show So You Think You Can Dance. She was born in the Netherlands, spent nine years in Germany, and after that nine years in Utah. She now lives in New York while pursuing her dancing career.


  • I know very well that I'm not the dancer that Danny is. He's on a completely different level. For the last four years, I've known who he is, and I just wanted to talk to him. So standing there with him tonight [as the final two] was the craziest thing.


  • I think Sabra should have won. When they [the contestants] had a week off [over the Fourth of July], Danny brought Sabra to New York and we got to know her. People said, ‘There's no way she's only been dancing four years.' But I said, ‘She's been touched by God. God gave her the ability to understand her body.'
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