Talk:Jesse Ventura

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Latest comment: 15 years ago by Antiquary in topic Unsourced
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Wikiquote no longer allows unsourced quotations, and they are in process of being removed from our pages (see Wikiquote:Limits on quotations); but if you can provide a reliable and precise source for any quote on this list please move it to Jesse Ventura. --Antiquary 17:19, 28 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

  • Drugs and prostitution, those shouldn't be imprisonment crimes.
  • Government . . . was not founded to create jobs. Create your own job. Be an individual.
  • If you are smart enough to go to college, you are smart enough to figure out a way to pay for it.
  • If you buy the flag it's yours to burn.
  • If you were to come to Minnesota, I could have you locked up like that. That's power.
  • If you're a feeble, weak-minded person to begin with, I don't have time for you.
  • When people attack me, I attack back.
  • Wrestling is ballet with violence.

Wrestling commentary quotes:

  • And the pleasure of course Monsoon was all yours.
    • His catchphrase, usually said after a WWF televised event.
  • Well I Remember you back in 1932 when you're at your prime.
  • McMahon, I'm disgusted. Once again you've edited tapes to prove your point! You know, if you'd have been around when Nixon was in the White House, he'd still be the President! You know I'm right, you're not foolin' anybody; there's a lot of dissension on that team, and you're involved in the cover-up!

He didn't strictly sign this meme:

  • Letter to the Ruling Class
by admin on Apr 1, 2011 • 6:50 pm
You control our world. You've poisoned the air we breathe, contaminated the water we drink, and copyrighted the food we eat. We fight in your wars, die for your causes, and sacrifice our freedoms to protect you. You've liquidated our savings, destroyed our middle class, and used our tax dollars to bailout your unending greed. We are slaves to your corporations, zombies to your airwaves, servants to your decadence. You've stolen our elections, assassinated our leaders, and abolished our basic rights as human beings. You own our property, shipped away our jobs, and shredded our unions. You've profited off of disaster, destabilized our currencies, and raised our cost of living. You've monopolized our freedom, stripped away our education, and have almost extinguished our flame. We are hit… we are bleeding… but we ain't got time to bleed. We will bring the giants to their knees and you will witness our revolution!
The Serfs.
  • Reposted much in 2011, in January 2018 it is a meme. (Sometimes misdated April 12, 2011; sometimes signed "Jesse Ventura" instead of "The Serfs"; sometimes retitled or introduced as "Jesse Ventura's open letter to the elite", "Message to the global elite from Jesse Ventura", etc.) The direct source is gone. Searches don't find it in his books. It was posted on the homepage of his website named similarly to his book title, by "admin", on April 1, 2011. That website disappeared by 2013. A working citation is this, the last capture (with 992 comments):