Taryn Lane

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Taryn Lane is the manager of Hepburn Community Wind Farm, and in 2021 she was inducted to the Victorian Honour Roll of Women in the 'Trailblazer' category. She is a community energy and renewable energy expert.


  • "As I continue to explore the knowledge and wisdom of people around the world working to build and strengthen their communities, I’ve been uncovering inspiring examples of local initiatives striving for a carbon neutral future."
  • "Inspired to act by the global efforts to reduce nonrenewable fuel dependence and to uncouple their essential infrastructure from fossil fuels, communities have taken it upon themselves to do their part to transition towards a sustainable future even if governments at the national level have been lagging behind."
  • "The community ownership model is a community benefit model. It's a community enterprise, so basically there's multiple dimensions of how the community receives benefits."
  • "There's generally a sustainability fund or a grant system that feeds back profit into the community. As well as local employment. And by having local membership, you keep the profits in the local economy."
  • "I really believe that energy is like the blood of society. It's something that we don't really talk about. But it's the veins that keep everything operating. As non-renewable resources run out, we really need to think about what is the best way that we can still keep pumping our blood and keep existing."
  • "I think having community owned projects and generating our energy, bringing that back to being near us, so we know that we are connected to our energy source is coming from. That's an empowering process for communities on so many levels."
    • Community power. July 27, 2012, Jessie Wingard. DW, Retrieved: 18 November, 2023
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