The Book of Pooh: Stories from the Heart

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The Book of Pooh: Stories from the Heart is a 2001 direct-to-video film in which kids join Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, and Tigger for an afternoon of storytelling and lesson learning.


  • Oh, bother.
  • Silly old me! [Chuckles]
  • Think Think Think. Oh, I know!


  • I may be small, but in a BIG way!
  • Oh, d-d-dear!
  • Wonderful!


  • Hoo Hoo Hoo!
  • the wonderful thing about Tiggers / is Tiggers are wonderful things / their tops are made out of rubber / and their bottoms are made out of Springs! / their bouncy, flouncy, trouncy, pouncy / fun fun fun fun! / but the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one! / I'm the only one!


[Christopher Robin's mother comes into his room]
Christopher Robin's mother: Hmm, I could have sworn I heard talking up here. [Sees that the room is a mess] Wow this room is certainly a mess. [Goes over to Pooh, who is sitting on the open book and strokes his head] I'll have to talk to Christopher Robin about it when he gets home. [Chuckles]

[After Christopher Robin's mother leaves, the others come out of hiding]
Tigger: [Gasps] Oh, no! What have we done?!
Piglet: We, Tigger? [Points at Tigger] I think you're the one who was in and dash;
Tigger: Tut-tut, Piglet. This is no time for pawpointin'. We gotta do something.
Pooh: I agree. We don't want to get in trouble.
Rabbit: [Pops out of book] Hello!
[Tigger gulps.]
Pooh: Hi, Rabbit.
Rabbit: [Gasps] Oh, my word! What's going on, here? [Jumps off the book]
Piglet: Well, we were looking for your umbrella when-
Tigger: And I started lookin' for his journal-thingamadoodle.
Rabbit: That's a book where you write down your thoughts, Tigger. Now-
Piglet: And then we tried to clean up but Tigger hiccuped by accident and-
Rabbit: [Scowls] I want to find out the truth about why this room looks a mess!
Tigger: Well, it was the crows that flew into your house and knocked over your bookends! Then they flipped over your umbrella and pretended it was their nest!
Rabbit: oh, my my! I'm going to grab my scarecrow right now. Those crows have caused enough trouble today! [rushes out of his house to grab his scarecrow]
Narrator: Tigger, were you not telling the truth for our floppy-eared friend?
Tigger: sorry Mr narrator, but a tigger's gotta do what a tigger's gotta do!

Christopher Robin: Alright, guys, what's been going on around here?
Pooh: Christopher, there you are.
[Pooh and Christopher Robin put their arms around each other.]
Pooh: We were quite worried about you.
Christopher Robin: Oh, I had soccer practice after school today.
Tigger: Oh, yeah.
Christopher Robin: I do every week.
Tigger: Oh, well, there you go. I was just lookin' for your journal to tell us where you might be.
Pooh: Yes, because, as you know, you write everything you do down in your journal. We just thought we could look up today, and– find out how everything was going for you. How is it going, Christopher?
Christopher Robin: Oh, Pooh. [Takes out his journal] You silly old bear. [Shows Pooh his journal] I have my journal right here. I couldn't write down what happens until it happens, could I? [Puts down his journal]
Tigger: I never thought of that.
Piglet: What do we do now, Christopher Robin?
Christopher Robin: Well, I marked all my favorite stories to read to you before dinner. [Starts looking through the pages to find the bookmarks, only to find them gone] Hey! Where are they?
Pooh: Christopher Robin, we already did that.
Christopher Robin: Oh, really?
Pooh: Sorry.
Tigger: [Gasps] I just got a fantastical idea! Christopher, why don't you read to us outta your journal, hm?
Piglet: Oh, yes, tell us the story of your day.
Christopher Robin: What a great idea. [Picks up his journal] Come on, let's sit on the bed and read it.
[Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Christopher Robin, and Kessie go to Christopher Robin's bed.]
Narrator: And so ends the story of– uh– the day everyone waited for Christopher Robin to return home, and learned– uh– um–
Tigger: [Comes back] That a journal is somethin' you write the story of your day in.
Pooh: [Comes back] But not until after your day happens, of course.
[Pooh and Tigger return to Christopher Robin's bed]

Piglet: Oh Pooh bear, being small and trying to be helpful is not a good idea.
Pooh: I know, piglet. But Christopher Robin always told me that sometimes you can think of the little things you do.
Piglet: Really Pooh Bear?
Pooh: Oh yes Piglet. And I am going to teach you. [sings]
Sometimes, when you try,
It can lead to problems your size
But remember the little things you do
And you'll get back up again soon.

If you think really hard, things will get your way
And you won't have to worry about the problems
I say
So think of the little things you do!

Piglet: '[singing] So if I think of the little things I do
I'll get back up again soon!
And it won't be a problem .
I am one of them.
So I'll think of the little things I do!
Pooh and Piglet: [singing] Thinking of the little things you do
Will always help you.
So try your best
And you'll get the rest
If you think the little things you do!