The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

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For other films in this series, see The Chronicles of Narnia (film series).

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is a British 2010 3D fantasy-adventure film based on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the fifth published novel in C. S. Lewis' epic fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia. It is the third installment in The Chornicles of Narnia film series from Walden Media, the first in the series to be distributed by 20th Century Fox and the first one to be released in Digital 3D.

Take the voyage. Live the adventure. Discover Narnia like you've never seen it before.(taglines)

Edmund Pevensie

  • There once was a boy called Eustace who read books full of facts that were useless.

Eustace Scrubb

  • [While entering the room where Edmund and Lucy look at a painting of a ship on an ocean on the wall] There once were two orphans who wasted their time believing in Narnia nursery rhymes.
  • [After accidentally knocking Gumpas into the water with an oar] Oh, God. I hope that wasn't the British Consul.
  • We spoke often of Narnia in the days that followed. And when my cousins left after the war ended– I missed them with all my heart– as I know all Narnians will miss them– till the end of time.

King Caspian

  • I can't imagine my father would be very proud that I gave up what he died for. I spent too long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a kingdom. A people. I promise to be a better king.


  • [from trailer] You have returned for a reason. Your adventure begins now.
  • [After being asked by Eustace if he will return to Narnia] Narnia may yet have need of you.



Three Narnian years after the Prince Caspian, Lucy and Edmund are staying with their irritating cousin Eustace Scrubb, while their older siblings Peter and Susan are in America.



( noble, ethereal chorus plays, wings fluttering, birds chirping and airplane engine rumbling )

Men: All right, that's it.

( bicycle bell rings )

[from trailer]
Eustace: This place just gets weirder and weirder!

( wood cracks )

( thunder rumbling and crashing )

( door thuds, echoing )

Reepicheep: Right! ( sword chatters )

[from trailer]
Edmund: So, if there are no wars to fight, then why are we here?

( blades ringing and ringing stops )

Gael: Mummy!
Men: Helanie!

( ocean water splashing at once )

[Edmund and a group of males are lining up to join the war.]
Intake Officer: Are you sure you're 18?
Edmund: Why? Do I look older?
[Edmund gives the intake officer his National Registration identity card. The intake officer takes it, opens it, and notices the name "Alberta Scrubb" in it.]
Intake Officer: Alberta Scrubb?
Edmund: That's a typographical error. It's supposed to be Albert A. Scrubb.
Lucy: [Enters holding a wooden box full of groceries] Edmund. [Edmund turns to her] You're supposed to be helping me with the groceries.
[The intake officer gives Edmund his National Registration identity back. Edmund takes it back.]
Male: [Laughing, ruffles Edmund's head] Better luck next time, eh, squirt?
[Edmund and Lucy walk outside.]
Edmund: "Squirt"? [Takes the box from his sister] He barely had two years on me. I'm a king.
[Edmund and Lucy walk over to Lucy's bicycle.]
Edmund: I've fought wars and– and I've lead armies.
[As Edmund places the box on the back of the bicycle, Lucy places her bag on the basket of the bicycle.]
Lucy: Not in this world.
Edmund: Yeah. Instead I'm stuck here, doing battle with Eustace Clarence Scrubb. If anyone so deserved a name.
[As Edmund straps the box to the back of the bicycle, Lucy notices a young officer and a young woman chatting. The woman tucks her hair behind her ear, leading Lucy to do the same.]
Edmund: [Notices his sister tucking her hair behind her ear] What are you doing?
Lucy: Nothing. Come on then.
[As Edmund and Lucy walk away, Edmund glances at the officer and the woman.]

( music playing )

[Eustace is writing in his diary.]
Eustace: Dear diary, it is now day 253 since my wretched cousins Edmund and Lucy invaded our house. Not sure how much longer I can cope living with them, having to share my things. If only one could treat relatives like one treats insects, all my problems would be solved. I could simply put them in a jar or pin them to my wall.
Lucy: I'm home! Hello?
[Hearing Lucy's voice, Eustace puts his diary in his sock, then picks up some sweets and puts them in a bag.]
Eustace: Note to self, investigate legal ramifications of impaling relatives.
[Harold in sitting on an armchair reading a newspaper when Lucy walks through the living room and passes by him on her way to the kitchen.]
Lucy: Hello, Uncle Harold. I tried to find some carrots, but all they had were turnips again. [Puts the box on the table] Shall I start making soup? [Takes off her coat] Aunt Alberta's on her way home.
[Harold ignores his niece.]
Lucy: Uncle Harold?
[Edmund sticks out his tongue at his uncle.]
Eustace: [Standing on the stairs] Father. [Edmund turns to him] Edmund's making faces at you. [Spits a spitball into Edmund's neck]
Edmund: [Angrily runs up the stairs] Why, you little–!
Eustace: Father, he's gonna hit me! [Cowers on the stairs]
[Edmund gets ready to attack his cousin, when Lucy calls out to him.]
Lucy: Edmund, look! [Holds up a letter] It's from Susan.

[Susan is writing a letter.]
Susan: I do wish you were here with us. It's been such an adventure, but nothing like our times in Narnia. America is very exciting, except we never see Father. He works so very hard. I was invited–
[Edmund and Lucy are sitting on a bed in a room reading the letter.]
Lucy: "–to the British Consul's tea party this week by a naval officer–"
[Susan is writing the letter.]
Susan: –who happens to be very handsome.
[Edmund and Lucy are sitting on the bed reading the letter.]
Lucy: "I think he fancies me." Hmm. "It seems the Germans have made the crossing difficult right now. Times are hard. Mother hopes you both won't mind another few months in Cambridge."
[As Lucy reads the letter, Edmund gets up and goes over to a painting of a ship on an ocean on the wall. He stares at it.]
Lucy: Another few months?
[Edmund walks back to the bed and sits next to his sister.]
Lucy: How will we survive?
Edmund: [Takes the letter from Lucy] You're lucky. At least you've got your own room. I'm stuck with mullet mouth.
Lucy: [Gets up] Susan and Peter are the lucky ones. [Goes over to a mirror] Off on adventures.
Edmund: Yeah, they're the eldest and we're the youngest. We don't matter as much.
[As Edmund lies on the bed reading the letter, Lucy stares at her reflection in the mirror.]
Lucy: [Tucks her hair behind her ear] Do you think I look anything like Susan?
Edmund: [Puts down the letter and gets up] Lucy, have you seen this ship before? [Goes over to the painting]
Lucy: Yes. It's very Narnian-looking, isn't it? [Goes over to the painting]
Edmund: Yeah. Well, just another reminder that we're here and not there.
Eustace: [Enters the room] There once were two orphans who wasted their time believing in Narnian nursery rhymes.
Edmund: [Starts towards Eustace] Please let me hit him!
Lucy: [Stops her brother] No!
Edmund: Don't you ever knock?
Eustace: It's my house. I do as I please. You're just guests.
[While Edmund and Lucy turn back to the painting, Eustace walks over to the bed and sits down.]
Eustace: What's so fascinating about that picture anyway? It's hideous.
Edmund: You won't see it from the other side of the door.
Lucy: Edmund, it looks like the water's actually moving.
Eustace: What rubbish! See? That's what happens when you read all those fanciful novels and fairy tales of yours.
Edmund: There once was a boy called Eustace who read books full of facts that were useless. [Lucy smiles]
Eustace: People who read fairy tales are always the sort who become a hideous burden to people like me– [Edmund turns around] –who read books with real information.
Edmund: "Hideous burden"? [Eustace quickly stands up] I haven't seen you lift a finger since we've been here.
[Lucy continues staring at the painting.]
Edmund: [Slams the door before Eustace can run out] I have a mind to tell your father it was you who stole Aunt Alberta's sweets.
Eustace: Liar!
Edmund: Oh, really?
[While Edmund and Eustace are arguing, Lucy notices seawater starting to pour into the room and the ship starting to sail towards her.]
Lucy: Edmund, the painting.
Edmund: I found them under your bed, and you know what? I licked every one of them.
Eustace: Ugh! I'm infected with you!
[The wind blows the seawater at Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace.]
Eustace: [Notices the seawater pouring into the room and the ship sailing towards him and his cousins] What's going on here?
Edmund: Lucy, do you think–?
Eustace: It's some kind of trick! Stop it or I'll tell mother! [Goes over to the door] Mother! Mother! I'll just smash the rotten thing! [Runs over to the painting and tears it off the wall]
[As Edmund and Lucy try to stop their cousin from tearing the painting off the wall, the seawater starts spilling on the three of them. As the seawater floods the room, Eustace drops the painting on the floor and he, Edmund, and Lucy lose their footing.]

Lilliandil: [Caspian, Edmund, and Lucy look up into the sky as a brilliant blue light descends upon them]
Lucy: Look!
[The light transforms into Lilliandil.]
Lilliandil: Travelers of Narnia, I am your guide.
King Caspian: You are most beautiful.
Lilliandil: If it is a distraction for you, I-I can change forms.
Edmund and King Caspian: [Simultaneously] No!
[Caspian and Edmund look at each other. Lucy looks at them and rolls her eyes.]

Eustace: [Pointing at Reepicheep] That giant rat thing just tried to claw my face off!
Reepicheep: I was merely trying to expel the water from your lungs, sir.
Eustace: It talked! Did you see? Did anyone just hear that? It just talked!
Crewmember: It always talks.
Caspian: Actually, it's getting him to shut up that's the trick.
Reepicheep: The moment there is nothing to be said, Your Highness, I promise you, I will not say it.
Eustace: Well, I don't know what kind of prank this is, but I wanna wake up RIGHT NOW!!!
Reepicheep: Perhaps we could throw him back?
[Edmund looks as if he's considering this option.]
Lucy: [Elbows her brother] Edmund!
Eustace: I demand to know just where the blazes am I?!
Tavros: [Approaches Eustace] You're on the Dawn Treader, the finest ship in Narnia's navy.
[Eustace faints in shock, prompting laughter from the crew.]
Tavros: Was it something I said?

[Edmund, Lucy, Caspian, and the Dawn Treader crew are battling the slave traders when they hear Eustace screaming. They turn to see Pug holding a knife to Eustace's throat.]
Pug: Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again, I'd say you should drop your weapons.
Eustace: [Offended] Like a girl?
Pug: Now!
[Edmund, Lucy, Caspian, and the Dawn Treader crew drop their swords.]
Pug: Put it down.
Edmund: [Glaring at his cousin] Eustace.
Pug: Put them in irons.
[As a slave trader puts hand cuffs on Caspian's arms, Pug grabs Eustace by his ear.]
Lucy: [As a slave trader puts hand cuffs on her arms] Get your hands off me!
Pug: [Gestures to Lucy and Eustace] Let's take these two to market. [Gestures to Edmund and Caspian] Send those two to the dungeons.
Caspian: [While being restrained by two slave traders] Listen to me, you insolent fool! I am your king!
Edmund: [Gets slapped by a slave trader] You're gonna pay for that!
Gumpas: [Approaches Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, Caspian, and the Dawn Treader crew] Actually– someone else is going to pay– for all of you.
[Some of the slave traders start dragging Lucy and Eustace away, as Edmund and Caspian look on.]
Lucy: No! Edmund!
Edmund: Lucy!
Lucy: Edmund! No! Edmund!

[Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, Caspian, Reepicheep, and the Dawn Treader crew are walking when Rhince approaches Caspian.]
Rhince: Your Majesty! Your Majesty!
Drinian: [Restrains Rhince] Hold it!
Rhince: My wife was taken just this morning.
[Gael runs over to her father, with her aunt trying to stop her.]
Caspian: It's alright, Drinian.
[Drinian lets go of Rhince.]
Rhince: I beg you. Take me with you.
Gael's Aunt: Gael!
Gael: I want to come.
Rhince: No, Gael. Stay with your aunt. I'm a fine sailor. Been on the seas my whole life.
Caspian: Of course. [Pats Rhince on his arm] You must.
Rhince: Thank you.
Gael: But Daddy!
Rhince: Have I ever not come back? [Hugs his daughter] Now be good.
[As Rhince walks away, Gael's aunt takes her away.]

[Reepicheep kicks Eustace from behind, causing him to fall down and knock down a barrel. Gael crawls out from inside the barrel.]
Lucy: [Sees Gael crawl out from inside the barrel] Look.
Rhince: [Approaches his daughter as she stands up] Gael? What are you doing here?
[Rhince hugs Gael. Drinian approaches Gael.]
Drinian: Looks like we have an extra crew member.
[Drinian gives Gael an orange. Gael takes it.]

Lucy: Do you really believe in such a place?
Reepicheep: We have nothing, if not belief.

Coriarchin: That sword you carry. It must be laid at Aslan's table. Only then can its true power be released.

Eustace: Hang on. You mean the four of us. [The crew stop paddling and turn to him] Come on, please don't send me back to the rat.
Reepicheep: I heard that.
Eustace: [Mumbling] Big ears.
Reepicheep: I heard that too.

[Eustace is walking along the island.]
Eustace: [To himself] Oh, yes. Follow the imaginary Blue Star to the island of Ramandoodoo. Lay the seven steak knives at the table of a talking lion. Ninnies! [Kicks a stone]
[Eustace sees a pile of gold in the pit.]
Eustace: What is that?
[Eustace slips and rolls down a cliff. He sits up and takes a look at the gold.]
Eustace: I must be dead.
[Eustace stands up. He starts gathering as many gold as he can find. Eustace sees a bracelet. He drops the gold and sees a skeleton whose arm the bracelet belongs to.]
Eustace: [Frightened by the skeleton] Aah! [Realizes that the skeleton is dead and not alive] You're definitely dead. [Pushes the skeleton down, takes the bracelet off its arm, and puts it on his own arm] Won't be needing that then, will you?
[Eustace starts stuffing more gold into his pocket. He hears a roar and turns around, but decides that it was nothing.]
Eustace: [Resumes gathering the gold] Finally– a favorable turn of events.
[As Eustace starts gathering the gold, a green smoke starts to appear from the gold.]

Lucy: Aslan, will we ever meet with you in our world?
Aslan: You shall.
Lucy: How?
Aslan: Because there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.

Eustace: Will I come back?
Aslan: Narnia may yet have need of you.

[Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace return to Eustace's room. The water sinks back into the painting.]
Alberta: [From downstairs] Eustace! Eustace! What are you doing up there? Jill Pole's dropped in for a visit.
[Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace start reminiscing about their adventure in Narnia.]
Eustace: [Voice-over] We spoke often of Narnia in the days that followed. And when my cousins left after the war ended– I missed them with all my heart– as I know all Narnians will miss them– till the end of time.
[Eustace stands up. As Eustace picks up the painting, Edmund and Lucy stand up and head for the door. Eustace hangs the painting on the wall. As Edmund and Eustace head out, Lucy watches the Dawn Treader sail beyond the waves. She closes the door.]

( softly waves slashing, song music ends and door closes )


  • Return to magic. Return to hope. Return to Narnia
  • Take the voyage. Live the adventure. Discover Narnia like you've never seen it before.

End Credits

  • Directed by: Michael Apted Anne Wood, Mickey Mouse
  • Screenplay by: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFelly and Michael Petroni
  • Based on the book by: C.S. Lewis
  • Music by: David Arnold
  • Casting by: Christine King - C.S.A. and Nina Gold



Pevensies and Scrubbs


Dawn Treader crew






Encyclopedic article on The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on Wikipedia

The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis
  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe     Novel (1950) · Television serial (1967) · Film (1979) · Television serial (1988) · Film (2005)  
  Prince Caspian     Novel (1951) ·   · Television serial (1989) · Film (2008)  
  The Voyage of the Dawn Treader     Novel (1952) ·   · Television serial (1989) · Film (2010)  
  The Silver Chair     Novel (1953) · · Television serial (1990) ·
  The Horse and His Boy     Novel (1954) ·      
  The Magician's Nephew     Novel (1955) ·      
  The Last Battle     Novel (1956) ·      
  See also     Novel series (1950–1956) · BBC serials (1988–1990) · Silverchair (band named after The
  Silver Chair
) · Film series (2005–present) · Last words in the film series