Tolu Bally

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Tolu Bally (born 2 October 1988) is a Nigerian executive, businesswoman and fashion entrepreneur. She is the founder and creative director of 2207bytbally, a Nigerian fashion brand specialized in female couture. Bally moved to London, United Kingdom to further her education. While in London, she sold clothes from her car booth and soon discovered her love for fashion. With time, she moved back to Nigeria to fully pursue her fashion ambitions. Upon arrival in Nigeria, she opened her own fashion store in Lagos but eventually closed it due to inflation. On 1 November 2016, she officially started her fashion career. She named her fashion label "2207bytbally", a brand that focuses on women's couture. Her couture brand label was named after her son's birthdate 22 July.


  • "Keep Believing In Your Self; You will Do Great Things".
  • I'm not saying that I'm holy. Everyone is far from holy. And I'm not coming to preach to people that you've to be holy.
  • Money will come but it shouldn’t be the number one reason for going into fashion designing. It should be the passion for fashion designing Money will definitely come. It shouldn’t be the reason you are in it. This shouldn’t be a motivating factor.
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