Tong Tekong

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Tong Tekong (23 August 1920 - 26 October 2009) (Chinese:唐德剛), born in Anhui Province, was a historian, an author, an educator. Tong graduated in Nanjing University majoring in history, and finished his PHD in Columbia University, and later was teaching Chinese history in Columbia University. Tong had worked as professor in City University of New York for 20 years, and retired at 1991.


  • (Prince Duan and others) with the support of Empress Dowager took control of the Manchu Imperial Court. Using the most ignorant mind, by the most despicable means, with the most selfish goal, using Yihetuan, which was the most prone to rioting social underclass, to "support the Qing, eliminate the foreigners", and to takeover the regime. This coup d'etat was repeated 66 years later, by those aggressive Red Guards (China). History repeated itself, in minute details.

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