Uchechi Sunday

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Uchechi Lopez Sunday (born 9 September 1994) is a Nigerian professional footballer.


  • I scored with my very first touch. That’s football, though, isn’t it? Sometimes you play well and things don’t work out. But today I went out there and found the back of the net straightaway.
  • I suppose you could say I’m a goal specialist. I just try to get in the area so I can round moves off by putting the ball in the back of the net. That’s what I’m there for.
  • We (Super Falconets) played them (New Zealand) during the qualifiers for the World Cup and I came on in the second half in that game too. By the end of it, I’d scored five goals.
  • It’s impossible not to be nervous when you’re on the bench! It’s far worse than starting because you want to get out there and help your teammates. And when they make a mistake you think: ‘Ahhhh. I would have done it this way or that way’. Sometimes, though, you just have to sit there and watch and cheer them on.
  • I’m dreaming about that semi-final. I don’t know if I’ll start the game – that’s up to the coach – but I do know that no matter who plays, they will have to give their all because we want to be in the final.
  • I remember that game (final between the Super Falconets and Germany at the 2010 FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup). I was on the bench feeling really nervous and apprehensive, hoping that my team would score. It’s going to be a different story this time. In 2010 they were playing at home, with all their fans behind them, but that won’t be the case here. This final against Germany is also coming at a good time for me, because I’ve got a lot more experience now.
  • The only thing that’s in my mind is that I can’t lose two finals, and both of them to Germany. We’ve got to win this Sunday. I don’t care how. And we’re going to do it too.
  • I was the youngest player in the team but I had two friends with me and they helped me a lot during the competition. They kept encouraging me the whole time.
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