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I am currently creating new additions to the movies listed at wikiquote. If you want to contribute to the TV Shows and Films check out our TV/Film Discussion on the possible formats, we would like to get input, so do contribute in making all the wikis great.


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Quick reference (for me):
Titanic -- Jurassic Park -- Shrek -- Finding Nemo -- Independence Day -- Lion King -- Forrest Gump -- The Sixth Sense -- The Shawshank Redemption -- Pulp Fiction --
The Godfather -- Raiders of the Lost Ark -- Rear Window --
Trainspotting -- (79qm DDR -- Good Bye Lenin!) -- (La Vita è bella -- Life Is Beautiful) -- Waiting for Guffman -- (Ladri di biciclette -- The Bicycle Thief) -- (8 1/2 -- Eight and a Half -- ) -- (À bout de souffle -- Breathless) -- (Lola rennt -- Run Lola Run) -- (Jules et Jim -- Jules and Jim) -- Ran -- (Léon -- The Professional -- Leon)
Casablanca -- Taxi Driver -- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb -- Network --
Alfred Hitchcock -- Film -- Jean-Luc Godard -- Television -- Federico Fellini -- Christopher Nolan -- Stanley Kubrick
Seinfeld -- The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air -- The Price Is Right -- Saturday Night Live -- Da Ali G Show -- The Daily Show -- The Simpsons
(Motto -- Nation -- Country -- State -- Mottos) -- lists
Tobacco --> (cigarettes -- cigars -- pipes -- Smoking -- ...)
Alcohol --> (beer -- spirits -- wine -- cocktails -- ...)

See also

