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Out of this World


The world is drowning in ignorance, which is impossible to identify the reality and the illusion, but behind of everything are the unknown power, a puzzle and a mystery at the end.

"It is true that this Unknown power blesses to those with guilty and condemns those who have hope.?"

"It is impossible for something to be top secret when said top secret. !"

"If we can control our dreams, no one wants to wake up and then we would be in a world of illusions where reality did not exist." So stop dreaming because someday you have to wake up.

" You've had the idea of space smells like?, Or hear?, How does it feel?. "

There is only one way to slow time, is watching him.

"The universe does not concern us, is a power unattainable for humans, even those incredible scientists cant assert the truth about the existence, the universe is unimaginable ...wait!! is imaginable you can imagine, we can give an idea, a conclusion too, but not assert the truth about the amazing and unknown power that is suspended in the unknown space."

" Adolf Hitler said he was a prophet, and when he was a young man had a voice talking to him, that voice predicted everything he had to do in the human race, ofcourse that voice he was talking about was part of that unknown power that surround this world. "

"I see that influence is much stronger than perfection."No? Then explain to me what happened to Adam and Eve."

  • Time Traveler

"Want to be a time traveler? You'll have to take with you, the sun, the moon, the earth, the stars, the galaxy and the entire universe itself, and perhaps you can see a step in the present and perhaps the next step forward."

" The time...mysterious thing, powerful, and dangerous when you challenge,"

"I do not believe in aliens I believe do not exist, was an idea created by us humans, is a fiction, and I'm glad it's just a fiction, because at the time that aliens exist! our world will changed more than is now, war, power, religion, beliefs everything will be changed, and our repentance will be a waste."

"How can we be sure that the galaxy is not a shadow of someone or something immense which is in front of a light never seen before. What if this galaxy is a light and no shadows."

"The galaxy is a mystery, there are thousands of planets, but for me I think there is one in particular, which is in the dark, full of darkness without a spark of light. It's just that we can not see."

"Our lives are shaped like bubbles, each taking different paths up and live for till the end be destroyed."

To those that we call them aliens, they have only a goal in planet earth, maybe to destroy us or teach us technology to create powerful war between us.

"Dreams are something which we must not underestimate, is something that our hands cant reach, it is a powerful thing and we have to fear them."

This world is surrounded by an unknown power that is unattainable for humans

"Sometimes I think it is better to stop thinking about peace in this world, so much sadness, death, evil, hold the weight of this world on my shoulders ... my mind can create catastrophic idea, and blind my mind I can forget who I am."

"Now I see it... People hate and fear what they don't understand. Pathetic. It is foolish to fear what we've yet to see and know!!"

Sometimes I think it is better to stop thinking about peace in this world, so much sadness, death, evil, hold the weight of this world on my shoulders ... my mind can create catastrophic idea, and blind my mind I can forget who I am.

"When you meet a stranger, give them a smile. It may be the only sunshine they see all day."

"Have you fear to those who are still alive, not to those already dead. "

"There is only one way to slow time, is watching him."

The pain of being lonely... is out of this world, isn't it?

"The pain of being lonely... is out of this world, isn't it?"

"This world is surrounded by an unknown power that is unattainable for humans"

"...Every human being relies on and is bounded by his knowledge and experience to live. This is what we call "reality". However, knowledge and experience are ambiguous, thus reality can become illusion. Is it not possible to think that, all human beings are living in their assumptions, is another way to look at it ?

Dreams are something which we must not underestimate, is something that our hands cant reach, it is a powerful thing and we have to fear them.

"From now all be an illusion to me, between Good and Evil Only I will know till the last when it's too late. Like I said you do not know what kind of person you are untill when you face the death."



"Even the most ignorant, innocent child will eventually grow up as they learn what true pain is. It affects what they say, what they think… and they become real people."

"While you do not know what language I speak, where I come from, what is my religion, and if you do not see my skin color, my eyes, and my accent .... then you will not be able to underestimated, you will have afraid of me, and you will have the curiosity to know where I come from. But in the moment you know that...!!! well then you will know how much power you can put in front of me."

"I believe that someday the day will come when people truly understand one another!!"

While you do not know what language I speak, where I come from, what is my religion, and if you do not see my skin color, my eyes, and my accent .... then you will not be able to underestimated, you will have afraid of me, and you will have the curiosity to know where I come from. But in the moment you know that...!!! well then you will know how much power you can put in front of me.

"When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow..."

"I hate when people confuse faith with fanaticism, hate when people confuse the poet with homosexuality, I hate when people think in freedom when they were not slaves yet. Humans are strangers"



"One who commits suicide is too strong to do this, but also too cowardly to find the only solution."Depression is not something easy to fight, one should be too strong, and always have people who love you at your side, that is the support, that words are powerful to fight. You have to fight, you must not let your mind be filled with darkness, push everything out, sadness, problems everthing...and scream that to the no other way must do that! if you don't you will fail...

One who commits suicide is too strong to do this, but also too cowardly to find the only solution.

"It's not the face that makes someone a monster. It's the choices they make with their life!"

"Real strength is not what you have when fighting for only yourself. When you have something special that you want to protect, only then can you become truly strong!"

"When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred."

"Destiny Ha..!! If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be...!"

" Mother, Forgive me... But I'm capable to sacrifice my position in paradise to reduce the evil and suffering of people in this world, destroying all those people."

"In order to live, man must act; in order to act, he must make choices; in order to make choices, he must define a code of values; in order to define a code of values, he must know what he is and where he is – he must know his own nature (including his means of knowledge) and the nature of the universe in which he acts – he needs metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, which means: philosophy. He cannot escape from this need; his only alternative is whether the philosophy guiding him is to be chosen by his mind or by chance."

"Even I do not socialize and fornicate with the politics but you give me some inspiration Elizabeth I, your great wisdom and courage."

"Even I do not socialize and fornicate with the politics but you give me some inspiration Elizabeth I, your great wisdom and courage.

" Now my job is to help the next generation, and set a good example for them. And for that I will gladly put my life on the line, and I’ll be smiling the whole time. It’s about the only cool thing old farts like me can do."



However; Religion can be a threat or an invisible enemy, with great power and powerful weapon, his power is wealth and his weapon is the influence.

However; Religion can be a threat or an invisible enemy, with great power and powerful weapon, his power is wealth and his weapon is the influence.

"I have many questions for God, questions which are an ever heard before, questions that can change any human mind and also can change the faith of any person."

"I can't imagine the world without religion, what would happen to us? Less war or Less hatred.

"Our thoughts affect us in our beliefs and our God? Or is it a sin to have our own conclusions? Because I am not ignorant ..."

" Why we do not disappear this month called Halloween, and transform that month as an act of worship to God? and we worship him in the same day and same time we all together, like when we celebrate New Year's Day."

"Feelings unites us, but beliefs separate us."

Religion can not be only belief of God, but also those who follow the rules of life, for good and not evil.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute

"If we call God to the God and not by his name ... Why not call ourself humans and not by our names?"

"Even when Adam and Eve were perfect were not able to obey the command of God, we who are imperfect will be something more complicated for us, God must understand the circumstances in which we are, the unknown power that rules this world is too much for humanity."

"It more easier to enter the world of shadows but more difficult to out of it, it's easier to hate but not easier to love. But I wonder how can we change so fast one day to other?."

"I have much to thank to Queen Elizabeth of England, for his great bravery and courage, because she ended a battle which was designed to convert all Catholic Europe, which if Elizabeth had lost the battle all Everybody would be forced to be Catholics, we would not have freedom in our beliefs. Thank goodness the Vatican only made ​​his own city as a base and not two whole countries. I Do not know if it was an act of god or maybe Elizabeth was destined to end one battle of the HOLY WAR."

"Religion can not be only in belief of God, but those who follow the rules of life, for good and not evil." Religion. For me I can describe as the one that teach morality, respect, love and mercy. religion for me is also that one knows how to respect other religions and does not teach hatred. That for me is religion,follow a religion is to follow a lifestyle, follow a path.

"Even when Adam and Eve were perfect were not able to obey the command of God, we who are imperfect will be something more complicated for us, God must understand the circumstances in which we are, the unknown power that rules this world is too much for humanity.

"One of these days the policy will notice that your best ally and friend is no less a traitor and will be the best enemy, (Religion) will be catastrophic."

Man, Woman, Child. Remember we are human, imperfect humans, which god will NOT fulfill our pleasures to US, even when we are dying, we are not worthy to travel to the palace of God, we are not worthy to talk to him. NO .. NOT YET .. NOT AT THIS TIME. Please stop telling lies. How dare you say you saw the Powerful God. Only someone is able to do that ( Jesus Christ ).

"I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute" where no Catholic prelate to say the president arrives, if it so happens that this is of the same faith, how to act, in that no Protestant minister ordered his parishioners how they should vote, where no religious affiliation or preference or parochial school receives funds from the government. An America that is not officially Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish. where no public official request or accept instructions on its political work by an ecclesiastical body. Where there is no Catholic vote, anti-Catholic or electoral bloc of any kind. Where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against any confession be interpreted as directed against all."(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

You can not hate a Jew and love a Jesus Crist at the same time.

Unattainable Knowledge


" Self Sacrifice..a nameless person who protects peace from within its shadow. That is a true human."

" I don't think something Like perfection exists. That is I think why we are born able to absorb things and by comparing ourselves with something else we can finally head in a good direction."

" When a being changed to be more powerful start to forget about the other, and becomes arrogant and stuck to his ego. No matter how powerful you are, never try to carry all your own. Otherwise surely you will Fail."

" One of my best skills is speaking or impersonate a lawyer, but decided not to be, I do not want to be part of the lie even when I know the truth, I do not condemn the innocent when I do not know the truth. Also I'm not one to judge or endorse any other sinner."

" I'm telling you right now I promise you, the secret of the universe will go with me so that nobody can solve that mystery as incomprehensible. However the knowledge of the universe is based on the ideas."

" Being smart has consequences on the valance of consciousness, I mean you're smart in one direction, but on the other direction can be so innocent."

"The defeat of Adolf Hitler and stop their domination of the world, I can not say it was a success, which took millions of lives with, but his death gave birth to something more powerful and older than the angels of god, which is Hate. We thought that was the end, But is just the beginning of something more horrible and more frightening."

" When you put together the skills of psychology, methodology, logic and philosophy, any case be easily deciphered, is like taking candy from a baby."

The defeat of Adolf Hitler and stop their domination of the world, I can not say it was a success, which took millions of lives with, but his death gave birth to something more powerful and older than the angels of god, which is Hate. We thought that was the end, But is just the beginning of something more horrible and more frightening

ΦThe Tales Of PhilosopherΨ


"It is possible that a book has the power to change the world?"

It is possible that a book has the power to change the world?

" Is of rigorous teaching justice emancipate all strange power, and make it a social function, no other law that free inquiry and profession of the truth. Potential SuperPower Instead of guiding the world with hate and war, you should Overcome the war with your strength, in disappear hate with hope that is what I hoped you would ACCOMPLISH. "

"Maybe I'm wasting my life, but believe me all this time I have not stopped studying something not very common in human life, Emotions.

Maybe I'm wasting my life, but believe me all this time I have not stopped studying something not very common in human life, Emotions

" The Fire of candle is an example of the human spirit. Just as we can turn on and off the candle, so God can do the same with us."

The Fire of candle is an example of the human spirit

The absurdity of life


" What actually contains the forbidden fruit? The power of not understanding the unknown? Or the curse of love ? " What mystery.

" What is such thing causes the war... Ignorance, Hate or Religion.? "

" What is the point to be a good person ? What is the reward ? And what is the limit in keep doing that ? "

" Why we pretend to be stupid, want to stop cancer? then stop the blood transfusion because everything begins there."

  • Five Weapons in Life
  1. Scoundrel
  2. Greed
  3. Kindness
  4. Intelligence
  5. Ignorance

"SCOUNDREL helps us move forward, GREED helps us to be rich, KINDNESS makes us weak, INTELLIGENCE helps us survive, IGNORACE helps us create wars.

"Let's start a conversation, but I hope not finish a discussion hearing the word freedom."

"Imagine you, do not be ashamed, be ambitious, arrogant ..... Imagine how powerful you can be."



LOVE , A Unknown treasure and a curse, is "Happiness" and "Suffering". Which sometimes begin with happiness and end in suffering, or perhaps start to suffer and.... maybe end in happiness that is love. Do not be hurt, your life was not fair, and not be happy wich is you still need live more in life.

" Getting dump always makes a man stronger. And if he hasn’t experienced it enough to be able to laugh and joke about it, or at least use it as material, he can’t fulfill his duties as a man. "



The piano is not only to see and touch, but the sound it produces, go with the symphony, let her take you the place of imagination, where only those who still have the fantasy alive.