Vivek Ramaswamy

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What the MSM calls a “conspiracy theory” is often nothing more than an amalgam of incentives hiding in plain sight. Once you see that, the rest becomes pretty obvious.
[…] the defining scam of our time – one that robs you of not only your money but your voice and your identity.

Vivek Ramaswamy (born August 9, 1985) is an American entrepreneur, author, and political activist. In 2022, he co-founded Strive Asset Management and serves as the Executive Chairman. He is currently running in the Republican Party primaries for the 2024 United States presidential election.


  • Diversity has become a term of art, a symbol, one so powerful that the symbol is now more important than the thing it was supposed to represent. Wokeness sacrifices true diversity, diversity of thought, so that skin-deep symbols of diversity like race and gender can thrive. Just like Christ in the story, true diversity of thought now represents a threat to the Church of Diversity.
    • quoted from Malhotra, R. & Viswanathan V. (2022). Snakes in the Ganga : Breaking India 2.0.
  • Wokeness is the new orthodoxy, the new religion, one that disguises itself in secular clothing. Because its disciples worship the secular forces of identity rather than any supernatural one, it’s much easier for the Church of Diversity to infiltrate the workplace.
    • quoted from Malhotra, R. & Viswanathan V. (2022). Snakes in the Ganga : Breaking India 2.0.
  • It’s a system of beliefs that stands as one indivisible unit and touches on all aspects of one’s existence. You aren’t allowed to consider the evidence and pick and choose which parts of wokeness you like. … Like Christianity and Islam, wokeness purports to provide a system of beliefs that explains everything, and it doesn’t allow its believers to pick and choose … … wokeness gives commands, not suggestions. … You’re not allowed to be a little woke, just like Christians can’t follow their five favorite commandments. […] It’s the structure that they use to make sense of the universe. Where a nonwoke person sees ordinary interactions, … a disciple of wokeness sees microaggressions. Just as a Christian sees God’s hand in all of Creation, someone who’s woke sees the guiding hand of identity-based power relations everywhere they look.
    • quoted from Malhotra, R. & Viswanathan V. (2022). Snakes in the Ganga : Breaking India 2.0.
  • […] the defining scam of our time – one that robs you of not only your money but your voice and your identity.
    • quoted from Malhotra, R. & Viswanathan V. (2022). Snakes in the Ganga : Breaking India 2.0.
  • Corporations never truly loved wokeness, even as they embraced it and married it to capitalism. They always intended to use it. But wokeness never truly loved capitalism, either. There was nothing fundamentally woke about capitalism, no natural compatibility. When corporations started proclaiming that wokeness and capitalism were inseparable and offering money and status to anyone who could help spread that message, each side accepted the proposal not because there was very much truth to it but because it was profitable. […]
    • quoted from Malhotra, R. & Viswanathan V. (2022). Snakes in the Ganga : Breaking India 2.0.
  • In exchange, corporations got to wear the protective cloak of wokeness’s moral superiority.
    • quoted from Malhotra, R. & Viswanathan V. (2022). Snakes in the Ganga : Breaking India 2.0.


  • Bari Weiss: The way that you're talking about the need to restore a national character, I cannot square that with your support of Donald Trump.
Vivek Ramaswamy: Bari, I'm voting for myself in this election. I support myself in this election. I am running in a race where Donald Trump is running, actively expecting – and staking significant personal fortune and risk and family sacrifice on – defeating him in this primary, and then winning the general election.
  • The real election that was stolen was stolen from [Donald Trump] was the 2016 election, which I believe was stolen from him. He wasn't able to govern because of a fraudulent theory created by opposition research, that somehow the FBI bought to get a FISA warrant to stop a man from governing for the first two years as effectively as he might have done. I also believe that the Hunter Biden laptop story, if unsuppressed, the data would suggest it, I think you would agree on these facts if you look at the polling data, would have likely changed the outcome of what was otherwise a very close election. Most Americans did not have access to that story because it was systematically suppressed. If they did have access to it [...], there's strong evidence and polling data to suggest, that would have changed the outcome of the election. I have also said that I have seen no evidence of systematic ballot fraud that would have overturned the result of the 2020 election.
  • If we're successful, the true mark of success for the U.S. and for Israel would be to get to a 2028 where Israel is so strongly standing on its own two feet, integrated into the economic and security infrastructure of the rest of the Middle East, that it will not require and be dependent on that same level of historical aid or commitment from the U.S..


  • What the MSM calls a “conspiracy theory” is often nothing more than an amalgam of incentives hiding in plain sight. Once you see that, the rest becomes pretty obvious.
    • Vivek Ramaswamy @VivekGRamaswamy Jan 29 2024 [1]

Quotes about Vivek Ramaswamy

  • [ Scott Adams About Vivek Ramaswamy:] Wouldn't you love to know, if there's an international event [...], that your guy – the guy representing your country – is the smartest one in the room? For once? For once?
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