Zanan Ahmad

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Zanan Ahmad is a British writer and internet personality from Birmingham He was born in England on 01 October 2001 Birmingham England.


Born 01 October 2001
Age 22 Years (In 2024)
Birthplace Birmingham , 2001
Height 6′ 1”
Qualification Unknown
Occupation Writer

About Zanan Ahmad


Zanan Ahmad (born 1 October 2001) is a British Pakistani author, writer, and motivational speaker from Birmingham, United Kingdom. Ahmad has a passion for writing books and sharing a unique perspective on life. Despite his young age, he has already published several works targeted at readers of varying ages. In his writing, Ahmad frequently explores themes of trauma, depression, and neglect. While dedicated to creating stories for all readers, he has a particular focus on crafting meaningful and impactful tales for children. Through his books, Ahmad aims to bring awareness to important issues and empower readers to overcome challenges by finding inner strength. Regarded as a talented storyteller, Ahmad's work centers on imparting messages of resilience. With a strong focus on themes such as mental health struggles, his passion extends to developing narratives that can benefit all audiences.



Life (2023)

  • Nothing in our lives happens by chance. There is a purpose behind every encounter, even if it is not always clear at the time. People come into our lives for a reason, to help guide us towards life or what ever it is. Each new connection is an opportunity to learn something new, whether a lesson about ourselves or life.

Trauma (2023)

  • Ending one life does not erase the pain, it only passes it on for others to hold. In darkness there is hope, if we continue walking the path.

Success (2023)

  • What seems like failure today will only prove to be a stepping stone to even greater victories tomorrow if we refuse to surrender to doubt or despair. There are no failures, only results, and each result propels the successful further along their path.

Success (2023)

  • The road to success is dotted with many failures, but they merely serve as mile markers guiding us ever closer to our destination.

Success (2023)

  • Do not be dismayed by the failures and frustrations of the present. Focus instead on the promise of your future and believe that from every failure you will emerge stronger and wiser than before.

Success (2023)

  • Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up. Each setback contains within it the seeds of an even greater success if we water them with perseverance and determination.

Success (2023)

  • True success comes not from never falling but in rising each time we fall. Each struggle we overcome and lesson we learn strengthens our character and moves our dreams one step closer to reality.