Aaravindha Himadra

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Aaravindha Himadra is an American spiritual leader and author. He is the founder and leader of Sambodha, an international spiritual organization headquartered in the United States. Aaravindha Himadra's best-known book is Immortal Self.



Immortal Self

Beyond the world we imagine as real rests a mysterious sea of endless possibility, a transcendental deep that acts as the womb for all manner of possibilities. These waters are the essential underside of our consciousness, our limitless resource, positioned to offer us our rightful bearing in life. But that bearing can only be realized when we genuinely agree to sacrifice our desires, abandon our guardedness, and capitulate to our natural inborn authenticity.
  • Having no intention to do harm is the highest of our attractive virtues. Ahimsa, harmlessness, is a goodness anyone can strive for.” - from Master Amir in the book Immortal Self.
  • To know the human heart you must make yourself defenseless to Love.
  • Beyond the world we imagine as real rests a mysterious sea of endless possibility, a transcendental deep that acts as the womb for all manner of possibilities. These waters are the essential underside of our consciousness, our limitless resource, positioned to offer us our rightful bearing in life. But that bearing can only be realized when we genuinely agree to sacrifice our desires, abandon our guardedness, and capitulate to our natural inborn authenticity.
  • I had sought to avoid the eristic disputes of religious rights and wrongs that are too often the driving subject of modern metaphysicians and spiritual pundits. My search was for a knowledge that stood above human opinion or the manufactured morals of differing societies. And while I understood that an uncorrupted knowledge might serve as a great purifier and a means to infer the truth of our existence, I intuitively knew that knowledge alone couldn’t give a truth seeker what he or she is ultimately seeking.
  • Worship love not with a selfish want or with a half-guarded heart but with your whole being

Karunyamarga Seminar, 2018

(Kisslegg, Germany, October 2018)
  • Real compassion only comes about when we allow the emotional filters in our minds to fall silent, to permit the innermost Self to act as the prime conductor for our hearts, — then let the mind follow.
  • Emotions are our victory or defeat indicators, the faces of our wants or fears, connected to an established or pursued after sense of self.
  • Until you’ve truly connected with that inner transforming force in your Self, fear is more powerful in your life than love.
  • You can always choose between resistance or possibility. This simple choice determines the difference between failure or success. The secret rests in learning to listen without prejudice or predilection.
  • Listening purely means allowing possibility to arise in the face of illusion.
  • If you create an unconditional transcendental moment in the face of a shadow, then the self will bring forth a cure.

Lecture, 2011

Everything you learned in the past is irrelevant, except for the wisdom that pertains to Now.
(Munich, Germany, March 2011)
  • Today, you are that person you’re experiencing, — because of your past repetition of thoughts and actions. You can change that!
  • What our world has accepted as normal is actually extreme limitation!
  • Everything you learned in the past is irrelevant, except for the wisdom that pertains to Now.
  • Your spiritual life is that ongoing expression that arises through an inner connectedness to the source of your being, — which continually guides you into being transformed and elevated.
  • Unlike what you may have been told or imagined, your life here is not just for you. You are intimately woven into the transcendental fabric and divinely intended welfare of all beings, simply because you exist.

Mantra Seminar, 2019

(Kisslegg, Germany, October 2019)
  • The whole of consciousness can be partitioned into two states that are never truly separate from each other, — a field of limitless and absolute silence, and its ingrained field of continually changing dynamic energy.
  • Meditation is the fast track to enlightenment. But, without mindfulness and insightful discrimination in everyday life, it’s is not enough.
  • The common mind and pure awareness are not the same. Pure awareness can exist beyond the linear limits of the mind, but the mind cannot exist without awareness.